Sunday, December 30, 2007
Holiday Homework

Guess what, I'm dead. 2 more days.

On 10:02 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, December 28, 2007
Alvin and the Chipmunks

Had OA test today.. i really hope i passed. I am sick of studying OA.

Thanks Bubbles for you gift.. its so nice(:

And thank you rahrah and Ami for going to KFC(:
$70 dollars gone in 20 min.
Alvin and the chipmunks soundtrack and heart of greed part 1 part2
die.. never mind next week i shall starve myself(:

Oh yeah i am in 2SE next year(: yeah i moved up 2 classes(: yay me(:

this is such a random post. ah well(:

On 1:29 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, December 24, 2007
Japan-- Hokkaido Day 3

woke up early again annoying morning call):
after breakie at the hotel, we went to some supposedly wet market so i wasn't keen at all but it was actually quite nice(: but since it was a market i couldnt be bothered to take pictures.. except for..
a nice big hairy crab which could still move its claws..
then as we left the indoor wet market, IT STARTED TO SNOW!! snowing baby trying to catch one before the picture was taken(:
but since they were BABY snowflake you can hardly see them properly haha(: they are the white lines in the picture(:
and again a longer ride to a live volcano which stunk of sulphur so badly i thought i was going to faint.. hahah
and i found a small little house in the volcano(:

then we went for lunch and the bear statue is now my best friend haha kidding(:
andand then we went to the bestest part of hokkaido-- the ainu* place
ainu* is the origin of japan so ainu doggies are the original dogs of japan!

then we couldn't stay with the dogs any longer because of lack of time, which made me sad, cos we had a ainu people performance-.-
and after the preformance the sun had set so we had to go back to the hotel..
and after hot spring we had dinner (Sashimi, ramen, rice, miso, tempura prawns)and i took dinner photos but im lazy to look for the picture now so.. thats it(:
on a side note i have finished christmas shopping and im looking forward to christmas lunch with bethany and Shangri-la(:
thank God for:
  • the youth conference that ended well and smoothly, touching many young people's heart
  • christmas concert which also brought us deeper into the REAL meaning of christmas and brought many people closer to Christ
  • Christ the Messiah's birth(:



On 5:12 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dun work too hard on your birthday okie(:

going shopping today.

On 10:23 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Purple Cheesecakes

Facebook is weird-.-
Your blood type is AB.
Your personality is popular yet controlled, sociable yet aloof,Outgoing yet shy, sensitive yet thoughtless, a very split personality.This makes you very exciting friend indeed.
You are most compatible with: everyone!
Famous Type AB's: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Yeung

and my blood type is actually Type O

On 2:52 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
PIGS can fly

BT/BAF kids are sleeping-.-
and i'm using mummy's office computer cos everyone is out eating lunch(Right jiejie Cheryl?)
I'm bored.

On 12:57 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, December 17, 2007
Thomas the Train

Youth Conference ended. 3 days ago.

I'm grateful, for the air i breathe
I'm so thankful, for this life i live
For the mercies, that You've poured on me
And the blessings, that meet every need
Ans the grace that is changing me
From a hopeless case, to a child that's free,
Free to give You praise
For in everything,
I know You love me
I know You love me
TOPH BT/BAF camp has started. Ugh.. i miss last year's one more):
Why is it that everyone around me are working so hard.. heartache for them ah):
this post is weird. Ah wells

On 11:47 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Japan-Hokkaido Day 2

Woke up at 6.30am and looked out of the window and guess what i saw.

nice right. So pretty..(: So amazing(:
then after that we went for the long long drive(i think 1.5hr) and the toliet rest stop is also so pretty hee

after the longlong drive we arrived at this place where we ate lunch and ride bikes.
Hahaha(: the scenery is really nice too(:

(the second picture was a 40pax long bike connected together to cycle.heh)

then after another LONGLONGLONG drive we arrived at the night sky place. Where we could see the night sky of hokkaido. Supposedly the third BEST night scenes.(: but before we took the cable car up we took pretty pictures(:

and the night sky...

and after icecream we left straight for DINNER. And on the way i saw a cute taxi(:

OK! Day 2. ENDED.
Day 3 coming son(:

oceans will part, nations fall at the whisper of your call


On 12:33 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Once I Was Far Away

fallen from grace, by faith lifted up
now i believe no height no depth can keep us from the love of Christ
no life no death no trial can tear us from the love of God in Christ

haha. today bought a HUGE LUMPY toy and lots of mamegoma stickers from Isetan

Lord, please do a new thing in my life. Amen.

On 10:59 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, December 14, 2007
Japan-- Hokkaido. Day 1

DAY 1.
Left Singapore Changi Airport on 25th Nov(Ben's birthday),and arrived in Japan at 9.27am after transiting in Shanghai for half an hour.
First thing we did was to have lunch at some ulu restaurant with really cool vending machines outside. and we ate some food. Quite nice actually.
and outside the restaurant was this really pretty lake that looks like a picture in a geography textbook
after which we went to this bear ranch(the bears can wave) and i ate my first soft ice cream from Japan there. Honeydew flavour(:
and outside the ranch the scenary was really awesome. The Lord's works are truely wonderful

Finally, we reached the hotel and after hot spring-ing, we had dinner.
Then we slept so peacefully(: On a tatami. So cool.
Okie. Day 1 finally over.
Be sure to wait for Day 2.


On 6:29 PM, Carolyn(: let go.