Thursday, January 31, 2008

i edned school EARLY so i was the first one down and i had time to help others bring their stuff down too(: I AM SO HELPFUL. but when the secones came EVERYTHING was in a mess. Everyone was asking me for EXTRA bottles and everyone was looking for labels and sandals and spec hooks and the JUNIORS JUST DO NOT LISTEN! i was super stressed. Sigh and i found out secthrees were going for TOTAL DEFENCE means the sectwos had to take over as group I/C of each group and i was lost. Thank goodness they came back on time(:
BUT THE CRAZY SECONES STILL DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT 'DIAM' WAS!!! they were moving in squad AND in diam. Looking around and whispering. After all that the secthrees and sectwos taught them.. boo! One girl was staring at her shoe so Sarah tan ma'am asked her if she thought her shoe was nice and she say yes. Like wth..? And this girl, her coke bottle was filled BUT YOU COULD SEE THE WATER LINE.. which was so..gah-ish. IN TOTAL WE STOOD IN DIAM FOR 1H PLUS? how cool is that luh!
"Hi i am carolyn from 2SE, i LOVE MS SIE TOO"
haha my introduction for the juniors(: dione and RahRah and linda said they LOVED ms sie too! i bet ms sie is honoured! she better be(:
And pearlyn ma'am started the game calling SULIN so i was stunned! BUT I STILL CALLED AZIDAH MA'AM IN TIME(: so funny her reactions are really cute(: Chloe also. She was so scared she ended up abusing victoria ma'am(: crap pearlyn ma'am ended up changing places with the junior SO i couldn't call her and let her scream):
SABO! stupid the tomato and chili was so itchy.
GAME 1: the "number" game, siti sarah guessed the number. SO either we get a cheer or we let her get saboed(: if the sabo was water i would take her place to get saboed la(: but it could have been sauce so we got a cheer
dandelion dandelion, hu-ha hu-ha
we are the best, we beat the rest
dandelions fly, dandelion float
dandelions, go go REACH THE SKY!
GAME 2: we were supposed to climb on the table and pick out mashmellows on the table (looking like dogs) but i didn't play cause i couln't have the burinng sensation of the chili sauce on my legs but we lost so we got BUT IT WAS WATER BOMBS!
GAME 3: we had to pass seaweed through our mouths to each other(: we were blindfolded but it was damn easy and i was the first person so my seaweed was nice and crunchy(: and i could smell the seaweed and jing rui was tempting me with it(: towards the end when they were passing seaweed to each other some of them got bombarded by water bombs so the seaweed become soggy? SO GROSS LUH
GAME 4: we didn't have time to play it so we were competing with cheers. BLINDFOLDED! stoopid.(:
And before that, we were diamed so that the NCOs could sabo us but CYRSTAL MA'AM,thank you, at eased us whem PEARLYN MA'AM was like"hey carolyn,..." in that suspicious FREAKY tone. and i ran away and she was chasing me and gave up when SARAHTAN MA'AM said later we can blindfold them and they'll sabo me. so when we were blindfolded i could tell VICTORIA MA'AM, PEARLYN MA'AM and SARAHTAN MA'AM was next to me so scary luh..
"carolyn, i still owe you your books and THIS(splat!)"-victoria ma'am
"Oh yeah, carolyn i still owe you your letter write?(splat)"- sarahtan ma'am
"carolyn, where is my letter!(splat, while discussing with sarah ma'am if bobo gave me her letter)"-pearlyn ma'am
MY GOODNESS LUH.. i was nice and CLEAN before that, only soaked. AFTER THAT, i had cubes of gross FRUITS in my shirt, papaya juice on my hair, sauce all over my shirt,...need i say more? Unfair, the juniors weren't as dirty as me!! and i THOUGHT it was their orientaion.. RAHRAH said sarah tan ma'am said papaya juice was good for tha hair and poured it on her?
BOBO WAS SO CUTE!! she had sauce all over her so she collected all the gross stuff on her and wiped it on her hand then later SHAKE SARAH TAN MA'AM HAND(thanking her for SABOING HER?-.-)!! sweet revenge? so cute! the sisters are so close(:
AFTER THAT, we had bonding in the courtyard and talked about the juniors!! JUNIORS ARE..we gotta teach them stuff OVER AGAIN! so slow..sheesh! and we gave linda a minute to talk about ahemahem(: i was so funning i was rolling with laughter(literally) and bobo was laughing AT me!
Then my mummy picked me up from the busstop and sent rahrah home at the same time(:

so tired after that i was halfway blogging when i went to sleep(:

i am realising my posts about red cross and way LONG..

On 9:48 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Today was..weird. Durin common recess, Sulin said she had successfully appealled in RC and Rebekah, Rahrah's cousin got into art. Like wth. She is so cute kkay. And during PW, there was a stupid crow stuck in the shall hall with us.. and Lizzie had the eraser which said God erases sin(: nice darling erasers are adorable(:

Red cross was.. funny. The juniors are kinda nice! My group doesn't have a cheer. Too bad(: I really CAN wait for tomorrow's orientation! Sighh Oh my junior takes my first and second bus with me(:

On 5:27 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
29th Jan 2008

Anyway, after meeting the juniors(there were 27..) ami, bubbles and i went to KFC at thomson for lunch.. and from then we talked about many personal and private stuff(:
thanks for all those talks.. haha its nice(:

ANDAND, even though we talked for SUPER LONG, i still managed to go homw to revise science and did my school homework before my science tuition and during science,i managed to answer ALL her questions and listen to her talking about protons and nuetrons and electrons in a SINGLE ATOM..and i wasn't confused..but my brain is overworked already. i guess thats the difference when you actually pay attention instead of wandering off in lala land(: science is not so bad afterall. HAHA. i shall LOVE science..haha FUNNY(:

I'm gonna be a senior in 2 days. make me feel 'old'.Their level is really really HUGE

On 11:06 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What is your type of high school student?

Popular (nice)
You are the rare type of the populars. You are the one who treats everyone with respect, which is why you are well-liked. Way to be.
Haha i REALLY hope so(:

On 7:19 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

THE INTERNET IS BACK(: after two long weeks..

Red cross meeting: (17TH)
i sprained my ankle the day before on wednesday doing footdrill-.- haha so funny. Thanks to thoses who did not let me walk anf made me sit down. AND THANK YOU RAHRAH FOR LEAVING ME BEHIND WALKING SLOWLY-.-
Anyway, i didn't go to school on thursday morning since i had eye appointment at SNEC cause the stupid doctors only work on thursday mornings. But it was a good thing i guess, i had time to pack for red cross and do other stuff and i went to united square for lunch and ice cream and bought polar sugar roll for the RED CROSSERS AT SCHOOL cause they wont eat lunch. The secthrees ate too(:
We had to learn OA again cos we failed but shafwaty ma'am taught us really well and nicely. And she told us about RCY challenge which i really want to go for but the stations sounds really tough.
Footdrill without FD-com people and sarah tan ma'am was horrible.Sorry. AND REMEMBER I HAD SPRAINED MY LEG. or strained my leg muscles but whatever it still hurt like crazy. But i still did FD cos i really needed to brush up on it.. i missed normal lessons like mad..
RCV,we had chocolate(: yay(: cos we did well for RCV test. But i didn't..haha i did but it was BELOW my expectations(: GOOEY CHIPMUNKS ROCKS(:
First aid, we had fire drill. And it was disgussting. i hate it): i'd rather had the FA test which i actually studied for.. only 3 people studied? We got lectured really badly by the NCOs which made me and rahrah really pissed. okie maybe just rahrah): And after that charissa had to report for changing back as IC and she didnt know how and she wasn't allowed to refer to the paper and she was scolded and was so stressed she cried..which makes it the second time she made someone cry in 3 mtgs of the year. i hope it never goes on. So we had 67 pumpings. My hand was shaking really badly and i almost cried but i knew crying will just make me fall out and watch people continue the punishment which gives me nightmares so i really didn't cry.PERSEVERANCE(:
We had bonding for a few minutes and everybody left.
see the complete difference between the first RC mtg and the second? i hope i wont start hating red cross):

o level results: (24th)
My class was realised super early cos mrs lee had to give out results to ex-4DG so we were down by 1.40 and we walked around the whole school..heehee(: and i saw sylvia ma'am and munching ma'am first, they looked really happy then but now.. I hope they are okay(:
Pearlyn Ler from ex-4SY is one of the top girls in singapore and CONGRATS TO WHICHEVER NCO THAT DID WELL FOR THEIR MT.. azidah ma'am's sister is top malay girl. So cool(:
i am inspired to get A1 for chinese and higher chinese. I'll keep taking chinese till i get A1 since i have one in june/may one in dec and another one with my proper level the nexy year(:

Red cross meeting: (24th)
Since the NCOs went to support those NCOs who took MT earlier, we could report late! i was so happy(: yaye. And after we reported, we had PT wich wasn't excatly fun since we ran and didn't do much really fun stuff like those in the first meeting. But midway, alot of the ex-NCOs appeared and we were diamed many many times. So funny. Some ex-NCOs didn't even want to be acknowledge. HEE(:
Evacuation was really really fun cept for bubbles and rahrah who made me so scared. Then after we changed and bubbles with me evacuated charissa we found it easier. so, RAHRAH, i told you i was better(: haha and linda was really really happy she vaporized. ahemahem
Footdrill was super super fun and we leart to change leg on march and hentak and it looked like kangeroos to me but it was so fun. Then we spilt up to practise and we were laughing like nuts and berries(; Then we marched as a squad and amazingly i didn't really move that much. i hope.
and i could more or less change leg with the squad quite well and now we kinda march and change leg at the corridoors too. hahaha water parade.. i just gotta say we suck at holding our bottles for a long period of time/
FA, we had the long awaited test and i found it..okay-ish. i got 11/16 which sows that dione, you aren't the only genius in scrcy(: i could've gotten 13 if i didnt change 2 answers at the last second.HAHA(:
6 pumpings were FUN(:
And after red cross we had bonding. we laid on the courtyard floor facing the sky and talked and complimented each other(: i love how bonding actually do work and how our level is getting closer.
Oh but i heard that the secone juniors went to wait for rachel ma'am at 1.15pm(they all asked for early release from class!!) and nobody turned up. but they still waited and after everything they were just told to go home! bad impression for them? i hope not..

Orientation is coming up. Am i excited? i dunnoe (:
(This post is too long)

On 2:56 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i need mp3s of the songs we sing in church(:
Lord, as I seek Your guidance for the day,
I find my thoughts unyielding, confusion crowds my way
But then when I bow to You,
The challenges You guide me through
Your promises are ever new, I need them for today
Your will cannot lead me where
Your grace will not keep me
Your hand will protect me, I rest in Your care
Your eyes will watch over me,
Your love will forgive me
And when I am faltering I still will find You there
Each new day's design is fashioned by Your hand
And graciously revealed as I seek Your Masterplan
Keep my footsteps faithful
when from You I go
Return me to the joy
that Your blessings can bestow
Your will cannot lead me where
Your grace will not keep me
Your hand will protect me, I rest in Your care
Your eyes will watch over me, Your love will forgive me
And when I am faltering I still will find You there

i think i am spending too much time on the computer and bloggingthese days(:

On 1:56 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

This, is bethany's youth peoples strength. Aren't you impressed? LOVEE(:

My legs and thighs are hurting now.. and FAITH AND SULIN are going for red cross haha cant imagine if they get cute lurh..haha

Ytd on the way to tuition my grandfather drove up a concrete thingy tt separates the bus lane and car lane and his car was turning from side to side and the wheel funtions got mixed up so he can turn the car properly): Thank God everyone was save.. He protected me with His righteous right hand(:

You are a person who likes a lot of space. You don't need others to make you happy. And though you sometimes see yourself as a loner(this is so true sometimes), people are drawn to you like a magnet(not true). Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights. You also tend to be psychic - so give more thought to that inner voice! Your greatest strength is:Your self sufficiency. Your greatest weakness is:You despise authority(erm no..even though i hardly get any authority i dont despise it) Your color is:Maroon-.-

This wasn't a nice post(: i like my red cross post way better(:

On 7:35 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, January 11, 2008

OUCH. My thighs really really hurt now.. ytd we ran during red cross and did hentak so long
AND before that we had MR ANG'S 10 MIN EXERCISE THINGY and i was dead before 5 min had passed.. try doing leg raisers, body off the floor. shuttle run for 1 min continuously. sit ups leg off the floor. jumping jacks. hop ups down and up the bench. push ups. running up the stair up down up down. triceps dips, body off the chair and drop slowly with only your hands supporting you and skipping. All one minute each. And running 800m before that.
Today i was half-limping in school then we had gym/dance which was PE-.- and we ran the entire time in different styles. I think i may limp badly soon):
We had recess with the secthree and secfours. Only my class since PE was moved into our recess slot.. and i was so weird but we had a 50 min recess..10 min longer YAY(: and charissa mabel and i had nothing to do beside talking outside the RC room..haha then mabel suggested going to the library but i didnt wanna go(: so we did berhenti and marching and hentak in the middle of nowhere.. and since we didn't want to embarrass ourselves we had to do at a small corner and we could only march 5 steps before we were marching on the spot.. haha screwed us(:

On 6:30 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

and guess what, i wasn't excited at all. and i have no idea why. But it did turn out more fun actually..

Since i weren't in talenttime there was pt for un-talenttime people and i seriously thought i would die since i always dreaded PT. Then it rained-.- haha but i was so fun besides running.. so we played games
GAME1: duck duck goose
Duck duck goose was funny.. actually not tt funny cos i wasn't the goose so nevermind
GAME2: "pull" game??
The secfours played it before.. you were given an unknown time limit. the person will pull you off the ground/seat and you pull another person and sit in his/her place. Once the time limit is up, the person who is not seated(the"puller")is given one point. 3 point and there will be a forfeit(:
And i had 2 points because BOTH deborah's made me lose. Humph nvm i still love them(: In the end, and after manymany chances by shafwaty ma'am, faeqa and the secthrees were called to forfeit.. and the forfeit was to "write" i (heart) RC. with their butts(: so funny la(:
GAME3:Basketball passing game
Shafwaty ma'am warned tt there would be one ball will again, an unknown time and the person who had it will forfeit so i got super scared an suggested two balls(: ahah wise suggestion cos the first rouund rahrah and i were forfeited eehee(: we had to sing the red cross song loudly and clearly but we kept laughing and couldnt sing so ami who was making loads of noises joined us. yay she is such a good sport(: and second round shafwaty ma'am OFFERED to do a forfeit with claire so they did ballroom dancing.. with shafwaty ma'am as the guy who puts the hand on the girl's waist hahahahaha so funny(:
GAME4: Blow wind blow
This game was so weird(: And farah ma'am didnt move so she had many points.. secfours will have 4 points each time secthrees 3 and sectwos 2.. i wish i was in secone haha but who cares i didnt get any points(: and in the end only the secfours got forfeits but farah ma'am ordered tt 2 sectwos and 2 secthrees to volunteer and forfeit with them-.- so they did catwalk(: hahaha the NCOs are so funny(:
No firedrill(: haha i think i was so happy(: and i found out something. YAY ahah and it was quite fun since ahemahem was yeah(: shant go into details
evac was so super scary. evanne and claire tried to carry me. and i was so scared i almost screamed-.- and rahrah was so sure she would drop me in case i kill her.. and we went around asking ppl if we could borrow charrissa and all thoses lightweight people and borrow sounded weird(:
I'm really bad at berhenti.. sigh i shall promise myself to practise at home(: yay and thank you Ami for teaching me(: i think i didnt get it cause i was stupid nevermind
my leg hurts. the ground was pokey wat if my leg bleed. ack
first time i didnt do well second time i got 24/25 JUST ONE MORE MARK! argh make me feel so stupid now. stupid me): and the funny thing was before the second test me and dione were so blur
"Erm must we take the paper?"
"No need no one else took the NCOs will give i think"
"Good point lets just sit down"
(talk talk talk talk talk)
"The papers aren't here yet.."
(Looking around we saw OTHERS FINISHING THEIR PAPER)
(Laughing like crazy)
"Erm ma'am we dont have the test paper.."
(Everyone looked at us, Ami: you dont?)
"You were supposed to go collect"
(And dione and i burst in laughter)
haha i think we are so weird and blur but we managed to finish before other people so tt wasn't tt bad but i didnt get full marks which is bad and makes me feel stupid):

RED CROSS ISN'T THAT BAD TODAY(: (cos it rained)

On 7:46 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Yay,I finished watching heart of greed(:
and Moses proposed to that always in my heart-.- DISGUSTING
grossgrossgross yuck..i wished Alfred didnt die(: But i must say always in my heart is quite a good lawyer(: And Foon's Angel is pretty i think-.- I cant really tell(: ANDANDAND, that HEARTOFGREED2 is filming now. About a traditional family and a legacy of MOONCAKES-.- with the same cast(: YAY means Raymond((: and FALA.. my new okok person(:

okie. RCV.. it was quite okie.. upon the fact i crammed actually i studied for 2 days fully without doing my work and so i should be confident.. but then i didnt get full marks and now i only have 3 answers to the ones i got wrong maybe i got more wrong.. i want to get all right.. 100% that will be so fun(: The whole level is going to do well and get all 100% for the NCOs i wish.. bang.

Other then that! i finished most of my sectwo algebra homework for tuition and revised science(: secone chemistry.
CaCo3= calcium carbornate
CoSo4=copper sulphate

On 5:48 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, January 4, 2008
Fudgiepot Of Gold(:

Today Secone orientation was so screwed(:

" Would you like to experience laying down on the stretcher, its really fun(:"

"No thanks. I am scared of HIV"

"Erm, you wont get HIV on the stretcher"

"I am afraid of heights"

"You wont fall. It not high, i promise(:"

"As long as its 1cm above the ground I'm scared-.-" And she walks off):

So weird luh(: Does that mean she is afraid of jumping? Heeheehee

Maybe I scared her off):

I didn't get my Macs today after red cross-.- I wanted my coke and fries):

Hee(: i gotta update Japan trip Day 4 soon..): busybusy bumblebee(:

On 9:37 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Banana Bunnies

Secondary One CCA orientation and walkabout tomorrow. And..
IM IN EVEN IN TALENTTIME. hahahahahahahaha(:

I think i am high because i havent prepared my uniform and my boots are only partially polished..):
RED CROSS.stretches and talenttimes..

Boots, coke bottle, school bag with all my subj books AND UNIFORM which cant be crumpled.
3 bags. and mummy is sending me((: yay(:

On 8:52 PM, Carolyn(: let go.