Sunday, March 30, 2008
byebye bloggerhello xanga-
who ask blogger dont let me post pictures(:
Saturday, March 29, 2008
i'm so proud of them(: after all the hard work, it finally paid off. When the guy was asking who we thought would be champion, us supporters were screaming our head off. But when he annouced scgs had won we were hopping with joy! I LOVE OUR SONG PEOPLE :D:D:D
my throat hurts very badly now from all that screaming maybe i'll post again tomorrow with more details. i need to go and sleep. screaming drains one's energy.
SCRCY-To live by honour to serve with pride!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Hello(:blogger still refuses to let me post pictures! argh. i shall be patient and wait for it to be nice again.
Red Cross.
Haha, yesterday, PT was damn funny. Ruth forgot the cheer then i kena must say with her. Then i scream both the cheer and the echo..haha! Ruth, do you know your cheer now? The FA was okay! Grace ma'am came back like she promised(: but left for cca so soon! D: then for evac had free lesson or something so we played charades and some things was hilarious but i post it here! Being nice:D Footdrill was loads of marching... and the ncos actually acknowledge the video people even though we backed out last minute. So sweet lah(: Then the sectwos dedicated the great scrcy workout to sarah cheong ma'am. Yay, everyone managed to memorise it(: then the mistresses taught us sectwo cheer<3
Philia Torch Relay
hahah went with wenqian, mabel, charissa and siti went. the rote from SCGS to toa payoh stadium was amazingly short. The runners were running less then 150m each! Haha, make me wanna run also. Haha! then down there we got super bored that we did footdrill and mrs bowness thought i was nuts commanding haha! :D Then we got to school and did more footdrill then the primary school girls thought we were nuts marching around the entire courtyard :D then we teased juniors about stuff and siti made wenqian sound very funny!
Oh, on a random note, Myraa gave me a whole set of fuwa keychains andanother one of Jingjing<3 Thank You Myraa. I love you(:
then rahrah told me that their names actually meant bei jing huan ying ni therefore the beibei, jingjing, huanhuan, yingying, nini names:D
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
i'm so tempted to change to xanga now. Because blogger wont let me put up pictures. Which is so annoying because i have pictures of my chickys and my eggy(:Teaching secones footdrill was really fun today. I hope they learnt well!
The Great SCRCY Workout<3
Sectwos, study chapters 5,6,7! Remember ah!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I feel like murdering that Anyway, today i brought my letter for my ward and i posted it on the board! Yay me! Haha, then in the morning we were outside the room when something really funny happened and we made so many sacrifaces for _____ haha! Then found out something damn scary!
Secones are going to report only AFTER 2.30. Which means after the sectwos and secthrees. Which means ALONE! ahhh, so scared for them! Shouting outside the room for the very first time. Good luck to them!
Tomorrow have FA practice! Sectwos remember to...
Lao Shi was chasing me for peiying games day, asking me to get started and all. SIGH! i know i know, i will get to it today! :D
Monday, March 24, 2008
Footdrill stuffy(:
Thank you azidah ma'am for accompany-ing me back on my bus ride home(:Haha, secones! Continue practicing Footdrill! Azidah ma'am is proud of you.
Oh sectwos, we can help them by showing them the correct way to execute the command if they are doing it wrongly and we can give them pointers and comments on HOW to improve.
But we still m ust leave them to do it themselve and only help them if need be. Bacause azidah ma'am wants them to learn by themselves and not depend on everything to be told to them by their seniors.
HAHA! enough of that. Sectwos we better stop laughing and playing around during FD sessions too ah! HAHA, its okay to have some fun, but when we are doing drills, please dont laugh and kid around and chit chat okay(: YAY! lets try being SERIOUS tomorrow(:
this video made me cry. how does in impact you?
How Jesus died for our sins, willingly stayed up on that cross to pay for our sins even though he could have summoned thousands of angels to free him(: Jesus died for you and me, paying for us dearly with his life. A few sundays ago, someone preached about the death of Jesus, i remember squirming in my seat. The reality if it hit me really hard. Do we sometimes take His sacriface and blessing for granted?
Foordrill today was really fun(:
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I hope you can see this:D
It really speaks of the love our Father had us that He sent His only begotten son to die on the cross for us. Jesus went through physical and metal suffering by man for the sake of cleansing our sins(:
Thank you Dionee for recommending this song to me!
sigh.. i dont approve of plagerising. Plagerising can land you in jail(:
haha, easter today! had easter lunch with church in Shangri-La(: Haha, the food there is damn nice lah, though its my at least 10th time there(: We go there for christmas, and easter. I think. Shangri-La shops are really funny. $3.15 for a tube of mentos and $15 for a can of peanuts! HAHAHA! But the pastries are the best(:
Oh, today is sarah cheong ma'am birthday too!
Hope you enjoyed your birthday!
My dad is going to manila for the last time tomorrow! Means no more WONDEROUS presents back! D: I'm going to make him bring me there in june! And i promise that i will bring back wonderful stuff for all of you that you will love! HAHA, i remember since his working stint there in september last year i have increased in 20 over books! and my mom has at least 30 over new books<3
I love the beijing olympic mascots<3>damn i cant get blogger to upload it on my post. SAD!
Friday, March 21, 2008
i just remember i have yet to do peiying games day proposal. Which is due in 10 days. HAHA! and the secthrees are gonna supervise(:Conversation with Azidah Ma'am:
wonderpets! <3
but i really hope they improve
wonderpets! <3
i dont care if they hate me, i just want them t pass their fd bronze.
wonderpets! <3
if i have t end up watching them from the side, i dont care. but im gonna continue watching over them until they can reallyreallyreally do it
Secones, do you realise how much your mistresses really really want you to do well?
HAHA ANYWAY, sectwos! better go practise FA and FD! haha, i shall go practise! Easter eggs are the besst:D
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I have no idea what i CAN post so that i wont sound mean D:never mind, i shall TRY(:
haha, so today, red cross. Did labels for secones and sectwos and made sure thay did it by recess, so that secthrees didnt need to rush with labels after that(:
then we had the admin thingy and it was so hot and fly-filled! haha then sarah cheong ma'am was so sweet and asked Ms Hing if we could have it in the bus bay instead(: even though we were the last because she kept talking to us bout stuff. I wanna go for NDP! but i have church, so does dionee and JY! haha:D sad..
Footdrill..learn to turn to the right on the march, learnt slower today but march with the rest round the coke bottles and in pretty squares^.^
FA! learnt bones and the SCRCY workout! haha its damn cute lah(: Haha, everyone must learn it well! And study fractures too!
RCV! Haha, damn fun! did RCV silver in 5mins(:
then had angel and ward, making ami the happiest girl that day.But azidah ma'am told me all the secones failed footdrill. She looked like she was gonna cry.
PT, butterflies love faeqa. Especially black ones who like kissing faeqa huh! Then had captain's ball. Me and dionee were cheerleaders Haha, then talked to RahRah for the rest of the time>.< Bersurai. Secones coke bottles were ALL wrong.Never had such a thing before. NCOs got so pissed and wanted to scold them very badly then azidah ma'am say dun want. But NCOs made them face the back. Wasted quite alot of time. Cant believe so many things are happening to the secones that we as sectwos cant even help. Is it our fault as seniors then?
Argh..then some NCOs talked to us about it. Really sad! Then talked or scolded secones. But i said one sentence and didn't say anything else so i went to play with the hula hoop(:
Running with levelmates. Ran with rahrah in the courtyard (saying the RC cheer) for 2 rounds kinda sprint. Then ran 4 rounds in the track. And me and dionee leds in 3 times of the RC cheer! HAHAHA! Then i sprinted last half a round. Rachel ma'am, Azidah ma'am and PeiWen ma'am said the RC cheer for us too! HAHA! Thank you:D
Easter party! HAHA, My idea(: Quite successful. Invited the NCOs and secthrees too! HAHA(: hope all of you enjoyed it:D
dont give up on Footdrill!
Secones, dont make your mistresses give up on you!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
AZIDAH MA'AM! CHEER UP(:we still appreciate you :D
"YAY thank GOD for sending them to guide me in my life
they have made a great impact on me
as in i dont even know how to thank them enough"
Quoted from Linda.
I really agree with her. I'm going to hate POC like crap! i dont want POC! March camp really changed my perspective. I remember before camp how much i was wishing POC was earlier this year but now i really hate it!
I'm going to be EMO during POC- wait i'm going to be EMO now.
Monday, March 17, 2008
SCRCY IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT PART IN MY LIFE NOW(:today, all i thought about was scrcy and future meetings. I dont really know what to expect anymore, but i guess if everyone is upset the punnishments no longer exist, they wouldn't slack and try even harder right, sectwos?
Some of us had a long talk in the morning(: about so many changes, good or bad(:
Juniors had their first footdrill practise during recess. And we all went down and tried in different ways to help them improve. I guess, it reflected on how we as secones last year had our first practise too and how we didn't really know what to do and needed help(:
FA Practise on wednesday, i cant wait(:
Oh sectwos! what about our footdrill huh! How come it suddenly vanished! We must still practise okay! Cannot slack of footdrill and only concentrate on FA! oh we can do evac also! Two hand seat, three hand seat, four hand seat, human stretcher! Human stretcher is super fun if you are STABLE! haha!
Juniors, please dont do punishments on your own! If you want to do it as exercise fine, but make sure you aren't doing punishments! And please stop crying and moaning, its no use just make sure your level keeps the discipline up and dont slack off because they are no punishments! And please dont make it short term that you are trying but long term. Any questions you can ask your seniors. Oh! and dont blame your levelmates for _____ you are a level and you make mistakes together. If you hate each other at such an early stage, the next 3 years in SCRCY for you is going to be very torturous. You will get punished as a level and as a unit. Take the NCOs for example, they do punishments with you but who incurred those punishments, not them but they do it WITH us. So please dont push the blame on your levelmates. Accept it and move on as a level.-that is what bonding is. Yupp, dont make your seniors worry for you.
Friday, March 14, 2008
EDITEDi just realised how much SCRCY makes such a huge impact on me, how i look forward to meetings weekly
Our level,
trying hard to be good seniors and role models, to care for each other.
The secthrees,
coping with all the many responsibility and not complaining because of their small level(:
The NCOs,
who are role models and how they take charge of SCRCY.
Hahaha, i dunno what i'm saying(: but i just realised that this year's march camp wasn't as bad as last years one and i realised i didnt not like the NCOs as much as i thought i did. Actually think that they are a better batch of NCOs compared to last year's batch. I thought i wont be sad during POC but i have this feeling i will..perhaps it was because they took care of my level when we first entered SCRCY and protected us from alot..also since we have just experienced this______ and we see how much they actually care for each level(:
HAHAHA! i'm still in school doing video comp(:
see Linda, i told you i was going to post about it. haha, yes we all love our NCOs(:
My tagbaord is uh, taggy-filled(:
Video comp tomorrow! Thank you ruth for the huge help and have been and taking charge and doing more then you should(: i'm so sorry we weren't much of a help.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
March Camp Day2:Reached school with rahrah at 645am, since it was the easliest we could come-.- most people came at 715am, which was so late..its ridiculous! HAHA. forward...
had bag check and little confiscated items, i think. and NO BUDDIES! ah so mean, i love buddies. They are so cute(:
haha forward...
had talk with Mrs Lee, and she clarified matters and all that. I doubt it helped, did it(:
then had footdrill woth secones! HAHA damn funny lah. But so stressed, must be good examples and not do mistakes,other then being threatened by the NCOs thats it. Haha, whoever makes mistakes would have water pour on their heads, then afterthat had COMPEITION! haha and secones lost? and sectwos could pour water on the secone mistresses. poor crystal ma'am and azidah ma'am, who was DRENCHED with water. HAHA! I feel so mean, i'm sorry!
Then had fake firedrill, followed by REAL FIREDRILL, which was TRIYATCH? Yeah, quite fun seeing so many 'dead' casualties and actually leaving them there? Haha! forward...
FA LESSONS! haha learnt new stuff and had test and i dunno what. Then evac, which was as usual me screaming like mad while others were insisting that they were going to carry me and being so UNSTABLE! Haha, but then we learnt how to make use of the manpower properly and divivded the load properly then i was nice and super stable which was good! Yay, haha(: forward...
PT! Haha, warm-up and runs with the secthrees were very good(: cause the secthrees run at a human pace! And it was fun lah(: BASKETBALL AND WATER PARADE, i shant say anything just that i am very scared of coke bottles and big HARD balls now): forward...
Last firedrill, damn fun! the casualties were in classrooms(even though they were in the wrong classrooms) and we couldnt on the lights, then it was all nice and dark(: then when i went in with my group first, danielle took one NCO somewhere while i went to Farah Ma'am, and it was so difficult to get to her because the tables and chairs seemed to be caging her up or something, i ended up toppling chairs and kicking tables away(: then was about to do head to toe when micheel came, so she took over and i treated for shock and reassured her, and asking ruth to stand between Farah ma'am and rachel ma'am! Damn funny lah(: Me and ruth were reassuring about catching and i dunno what(: Then asked someone to evacuate her while i went to help Bobo, who was alone. Then i couldn't get to the casualty because the tables were blocking so i had to reassure from behind the tables? HAHA! funniest was the after care when i was reassuring deborah ma'am when sarah tan ma'am came over and they started hugging each other?! Haha, we were supposed to bring them further in though.
All in all, i think camp was quite fun, better then last year's march camp(: and we really improved our fire drill alot(: and the firedrills were REALLY CREATIVE(: haha
Today i did 250pumpings and 50 crunches for
Well, i shant be sad anymore. Like what sarah cheong ma'am tagged on the level blog:<sarahcheong!>: heya sectwos! cheer up, don't sound so depressed can! you make the ncos feel even lousier D: actually to tell you guys the truth we never expected you guys to react so, uh, violently. haha. we're really touched by your enthusiasm and everything! :D <sarahcheong!>: so cheer up! you can all help by channeling your energy into studying for first aid :D :D think of munching maam and how proud she'll be of you guys, you guys have really come very, very far from last year :D cheer up!
(Whoa i didnt think it was that long)Yup, haha so i shall go study FA instead and make them proud of us(:
And like what sarah tan ma'am told me before how a good unit do not need punishments to be discipline!
okay longlong post haha! bye!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Another Scary Nightmare
March Camp Day1:Started out early, or late since i woke up late and rushed like mad(:
Reached school and blah blah blah
Had normal worries and UI and bag check.. oh and buddies! BABY BIRD EGG!
haha, so adorable. Had SO many casualties which were mostly new recruits. Didn't understand why there was a need for that many casualties. Where was their perserverance, everyone was doing it with them,yet...20 OVER CASUALTIES! forward...
I can't forget that scary moment, all smiles simply turn to disbelief, to SHOCK!
When the NCOs broke the news to us, many were on the verge of crying. Even as the NCOs tried to lighten the mood, telling us past experiences..i wonder how much they are hurting within. No one could believe it. Everyone tried speaking, making suggestions, but to no avail..
When Crystal ma'am announced it to the entire unit, Dione and i gripped each other with fear, not knowing what to expect. We didn't want to listen. I wished i could have just walked away.
Decided to meet up with the secones, yet before we could even talk, Linda, Bobo and many other around me were crying. Tears fell from my face too, we just kept crying not knowing what to do. The secthrees took over while we went up to gallery two and discussed alot.
In the end, no one left happily. Everyone was hurting one way or the other. I guess the sectwos felt so _______ by it because it was just beginning to bond the level and it happened to be what some of us were looking forward to every week! Without it, the feeling just wont be quite right, and the spirit may just die down...Though we complain, it was still what held the unit together, where we cared for each other and looked out for those around us.
SECTWOS! we can keep this spirit going through OUR LEVEL! no matter what, we WILL NOT LET THE STANDARD DROP! promise?(:
I wonder what the ex-ncos will say when they find out about this. Will they FAINT!
oh on a side note, my buddy DIDNT BREAK/CRACK whatever at all! Not even a piece of small shell came out! NOTHING! haha its still PERFECT haha, i'm probably the FEW that has a perfect egg! YAY! haha, i'm just trying to make myself feel better!
i just realised i have been crying too much and now i feel hot and FEVERISH so i better go sleep now(:
Monday, March 10, 2008

I really miss adventure camp!
I'm so stressed! march holiday doesn't seem like a holiday! i cant wait till we go back to school. at least i wont get stupid ideas. HAHA!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
finally blogging again. got a rest from replying friendster coments(:haha, let see my march holiday homework
chinese journal, not done
chinese comprehension, not done
maths performance task, not done
maths worksheets, not done
geography performance task, not done
geography worksheets, not done
odessay of the mind, not done
science performance task, not done
science worksheets, not done
tuition homework, not done
OH MAN, somemore still have march camp for 2 days and 2 days of standardization meetings teaching juniors stuff and preparing for camp?
boolabimbamboom PFFT. dun care already):
haha friendstering with yuxian, jess and mummy is fun(:
rashes are goin away!! i listened to daddy and avoided those live prawns yesterday! HAHAH YAY ME!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thank you rahrah for being so nice and bringing my homework back for meThank you charissa for collecting my homework and passing it to rahrah
Thank you calista and huiqi for caring for me in school before i went back
Thank you laura for going back with me(:
HAHA, i swallowed my tablet without drinking water. okay, maybe a little, imagine coke bottle cap(:
Ah.. my limbs are so itchy.had to leave school before break because i was having outbreak of rashes..maybe its just my row, but my row of 8 people was left to 4 people. sad lah and somemore its all because of rashes. then went to my uncles's clinic and was forced to take INJECTION.and have tablets to swallow, stupid. damn pain. and have tuition soon. how to write? sigh. cant believe i missed LAST DAY OF SCHOOL.
i miss camp.
i didnt post about red cross ytd because compared to adventure camp, there is nothing to post about.
changed my skin to my old one. haha more meaningful(:
Thursday, March 6, 2008
still having post-camp symdrone..Today, sung all the songs we sang in camp, teared, being emo..
and experiencing post camp rashes. my arm is super swollen and bumpy because of camp.i cant even describe how gross it is. but i know that...
Haha, my brother was very sweet because i refused to put mosquito cream on the rashes and he told my maid tonight when i sleep he and my maid has to put on me secretly. even though its not really smart its still sweet(:
i miss camp. alot. i miss everything.about camp.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
sigh..i am having post camp symdrone. i miss camp alot. i miss little thing about camp. i miss.. EVERYTHING
Monday, March 3, 2008
What's all the sweat, injuries, pain, suffering compared to the fun i had in camp?
carolyn angry already):
thank you for being my safety rope,
thank you for making that big difference in my life(:
March camp grps are up. i hate march camp. this morning i was whining i still wanted adventure camp when rahrah said march camp can be like adventure camp.
there. haha oh man, if the seniors see this i'm dead(:
I'm having adventure camp blues..
Today SE said makan cheer in front of the hundreds of people haha i remember how almost every sec2 was dreading adventure camp yet today the scene was so different. Almost every sec2 was having adventure camp blues..