Monday, June 30, 2008

my birthday's going to be a holiday.
should i have party?
Debbie says yes.
How bout the rest.

hey, that rhymthed. poo.

but mummy needs to order cake,
and i have no idea what cake i want
and i'm in no mood to think

On 6:31 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

You know, this whole Mr Cheng episode,
feels like an early, extra POC..

another goodbye, another ending.

How come, it seems to me that,
everyone i know, is leaving me alone.
All the people i trust seems so superficial now.

I dont feel happy,
having two POCs.

i hate goodbyes.

On 4:35 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, June 27, 2008

i still cant accept the fact that he is leaving us.
and why?
because of us.

he was such a good teacher,
no matter how much things he said that we didnt like,
i think it was because you are too sensitive.
he was the only teacher who actually encouraged us to do better.

Did you see the tears burning in his eyes just wednesday morning?
Didnt you feel sorry for him?

even though my class is very rowdy in his class,
i'm sure none of us really wants him gone.

anyone wants him back?
2se has a petition and we are passing it throughout the classes.

i dont think he deserves what he is getting,
even if he didnt get sacked but resigned,
why did he have to do it?
I'm sure he had us in mine.
he thought, maybe if we have a female teacher,
our grades will improve?


Music today was cool.
Broadway music.
Cat, Les Miserables, and one more i forgot!

I love Day5, always the slackest day of the cycle.

Gosh, this is the third post of the day. :D

On 6:03 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

at the beginning with you.

1) Name :
2) Name Backwards :
3) Were you named after anyone?
Nope. I'm special
4) Does your name mean anything?
Song of praise.
5) Nick Name(s) :
Carol, Roro
6) Screen Name(s) :
7) Date Of Birth :
7th July, (hint, hint)
8) Place of Birth :
Singapore, Gleneagles Hospital
9) Nationality :
10) Current Location :
11) Sign :
12) Religion :
13) Height :
158cm? Somewhere there.
14) Weight :
15) Shoe Size :
16) Hair colour :
17) Eye colour :
Black, or blue with contacts
18) What do you look like?:
19) Innie or Outie? :
If it means introvert or extrovert, then introvert
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous :
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? :
Straight lah!
22) Best friend(s) :
JY, Dione, YC, Ami &Faeqa
23) Best friend you trust the most :
24) Best friends {your sex} :
see 22.
25) Best friends of the opposite sex :
26) Best Bud(s) :
see 22.
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend :
Nope, too young.
28) Crush :
Erm, none.
29) Parent(s) :
Mummy and Daddy.
30) Worst Enemy :
Satan and Sin
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s) :
Church people who can give me advice.
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s) :
33) Funniest friend :
34) Craziest friend :
35) Advice Friend :
36) Loudest Friend :
37) Person you cry with :
i rather cry alone.
38) Any sisters :
39) Any brothers :
Yeah, two.
40) Any pets :
41) A Disease :
None, Thank the Lord.
42) A Pager :
Isn't it called a blackberry or something now?
43) A Personal phone line :
What for?
44) A Cell phone :
45) A Lava lamp :
No, my brothers have one each though.
46) A Pool or hot tub :
I have the bathtub
47) A Car:
No, i dont drive.
48) Personality :
Why dont you tell me?
49) Driving :
Driving people mad?
50) Car or one you want :
That pretty one in the glass window
51) Room :
Whitish pink? Or Pinkish white?
52) What’s missing? :
What's missing where?
53) School:
54) Bed :
Big enough for me.
55) Relationship with your parent :
56) Believe in yourself :
Not really, i need people to believe in me first.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? :
I just did the contemplation log on this, well, it mostly never works out.
58) Consider yourself a good listener :
You wanna tell me?
60) Get Along with your parents :
61) Save your e-mail conversations :
You can have conversations using e-mail?
62) Pray :
63) Believe in reincarnation :
64) Like to make fun of people:
I dont unless they know i am joking.
65) Like to talk on the phone :
Depends who and when i am talking
66) Like to eat? :
67) Like to drive :
I do not drive.
68) Get motion sickness :
69) Eat the stems of broccolietchay broccoli?
I dont eat vegetables or at least not broccoli
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork :
I thought it was s'pposed to be Chicken FEET?
71) Dream in color :
No, its scary enough deja vu-ing
72) Type with your fingers on home row :
whats that?
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:
Lumpy is with my cousin, Dotsy is with Sarah Tan Ma'am, Elmo is missing, Manson is the only one left
74) Right next to you :
My pillow.
75) On the walls of your room :
My dog calendar, and those thing that hangs there.
76) On your mouse pad :
The mouse?
77) Your dream car :
That silver one there
78) Your dream date:
Not datingyet, ask me when i start dating
79) Your dream honeymoon spot :
80) Your dream husband/wife :
I'm not looking for one now.
81) Your bedtime :
When i'm tired.
82) Under your bed :
Books and files.
83) The single most important question :
84) Your bad time of the day :
Coming home feeling alone.
85) Your worst fear(s):
Being alone and being ignored
86) The weather is like :
87) The time? :
88) The date? :
27th June 2008
89) The best trick you ever played on someone :
Playing tricks arent something to be proud of.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like :
Water Chestnut? And thats not weird.
91) Theme Song :
The Call. Hahaha!
92) The hardest thing about growing up :
Dealing with stress
93) Your funniest experience :
When, this year?
94) Your scariest moment :
Being left alone when i was young.
95) The silliest thing you've said :
The things i say, aren't silly, they are special
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get a guy's attention :
Gosh, not so despo lah!
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s) :
Not sure.
98) The worst feeling in the world :
Hatred and guily-ness
99) The best feeling in the world :
Friendship and Love
100) 5 people you tag:
Anyone who is/was as bored as me.

Ok, done Jacqueline.
These memes are quite fun you know :D

On 3:41 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

i think my class is cool.
We've never done so much for a teacher before.

Well, its the sectwos who wanted him to leave
its the sectwos who now, wants him back.

Depressed :D
Such a irony.

On 11:28 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

i wonder why i keep tearing these few days.
just thinking of it.

its their last meeting, last memories, last games,
all gone.

i wish i could make it better.

On 10:37 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Today was highly amusing at SNEC.
(even though i missed the whole day at school)
I walked into the screening/testing room and,
the first thing i heard was,
"Hey! Scgs girl!"
I was like -.-
Apparently one was an ex-SC girl
And the three junior doctors, and they were experimenting on me!
They even said,
"Can i test your eye? I didnt get to see just now!"
Wth lah! I was laughing so hard inside.
After which, while waiting for my real doctor,
they started flipping through their textbooks?

Then got to school in time for red cross.
Stoned awhile and blah blah,
and then..
and she liked the card, but sadly,
didnt try any of our methods, not even
burning the shingles D:
Helped secones with reporting and i think,
the way Piramol reports, it so cool and old englishy..Ahh :)
Then did POC prep while Mabel and Evanne did Footdrill,
wonder what about their squad drills..?

(then POC and all that)

Oh, after that, we saw the ncc talking to their ex-ncos
and i was so touched that their ex-ncos
bothered to come back
then i thought of POC,
and i'm got afraid that the ncos wont come back.

And, you know
i bought Pringles today..
we didnt offer any to Sarah Cheong ma'am D:

On 8:04 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hmm, i was supposed to post on this few days, but i cant be bothered too.
Not going to school tomorrow, only going back for red cross! Haha.
Today was okay i guess.
Mr Cheng told us something, and well, i am not feeling glad at all.
Everything else was normal, but we had the writing competition thingy during CE and i was tempted to write about aliens, I'm serious. Haha
Recess, had talk with secthrees so that we can be good secthrees next time,
didnt even eat! Haha, sigh!
Never mind, i can make sacrifices for red cross! Whoo!
Yay, pictures of my level getting ready to march up the
spiral staircase.
Haha, and by the way, we were asked to smile,
we dont normally smile in squad.
-ok, blogger is AGAIN, pissing me off, maybe i shall be hopping back to xanga-

On 9:44 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Post Camp 3

Day 2
Woke up and got ready for, as expected every year, firedrill. And yeah, it went well for me.
Then washed up and ate breakfast. One cerel bow for one group to finish. Like wth lah, so waste food. Hee, we even had a toy in our cerel box.
Then hike! MacRitchie again, but the bus drove in this time! nThen took the lornie trail which was dunno how much longer then last year's trail. But we took the broadwalk back :D but there were the monkeys and, well, after bad experiences for alot of people last year, it was just sad. Oh we walked through the "door of Narnia" back to "England" Hee!
Then lessons! Omg, after how much nightmares of re-wearing the uniform, we didnt have to wear it again! Lesson was footdrill accred for practical. Crystal ma'am accred-ed me and either it was easy or i did alot of mistakes(and yet, managed to pass). Then squad drill, sad can. First time we did, it was quite bad so we took that as practise and did accred the next round :D
Then lunch followed by chinatown cleanup. In the bus, faeqa, ami, linda and i were discussing stuff which was really hilarious. The different ways of sleeping in the bus. Cleanup was bad cause this time we didnt have any Cantonese speaking people in the group and i think the person was trying to chase us out. But Crystal ma'am offered us chestnuts after that.

(dunno what happened)

then bathing time this time was even quicker! The toilet was half empty when faeqa, ami, linda and i went in. Haha! Then we went back to the gym, did footdrill and discussed for debrief.

(fast-forward to debrief)
My whole level has something to say cause we had 14 comments so one each. Then ami and i ended of with the good job cheer :D

(rewind to campfire)
Omg, sad sad ok! Only three ex-ncos came back. My group performed, and i must say, Ami taught Aisyah well. Her fee? 3 kinder bueno from me(:
The marshmallow was nice and the charades game thingie was damn funny cos Deborah ma'am kept running off into the courtyard with the fake fire.

Day 3
Omg, we overslept! Got woken up by everyone screaming firedrill! Hahah, first time in camp okay! And it was damn tiring, cause i was already half limping from the past two days and we had three ongoing firedrills at one time, the last one being a real firedrill.
Then..(the horror of it), one hour PT! Running to Malcom Park. On the overhead bridge and all. The best part? Doing pumpings for warm-up and seeing the reallyreally FAT black Labrador. Poor faeqa was limping all the way up and down. It would have been fun, without my muscle aches though.

(fast forward to fd after lunch)

The time was meant for accred but since everyone in the level was done with accred. So we did some commanding by Ami and Ruth, then we played last man standing! Haha! It was fun cause i was..last four? Then we stop playing haha! Then, we had footdrill around the school corridoors and up the spiral staircase and along the lobby and all. Heh! After that, Pearlyn ma'am did the "Who sucks more.."documentary interviews. Then after Dione and I were interviewed, the six of us, (YC, JY, Ami, Faeqa, Dione, and I) and it got really off-topic because of Faeqa! Tsk tsk!
Then the Ami and Sarah Tan ma'am show! And Victoria ma'am was guest star too! Haha, and the swing!
-All these, were all caught on film :D
Then unit bonding, friendship dance. Haha, the best was kicking to the right and left that one :D
Worst being the pokepoke. Good thing i wasnt partner-ing with someone who knew where to poke me! Which was what happened on the swing and make me scream. (:

(fast forward to the last firedrill)
They kidnapped Faeqa, YC, Wailam, and QianYi. All the FAC people and, YC being the best FAider in my level...yeah.
When it started, we were running around and i saw Wailam.
Me: Oh crap, WAILAM!
Me: Oops. Hello hello, are you okay?...
Haha, sad right!
Yeah, and after alot of confusion of both parties, i did okay, i hope!
LAST FIREDRILL! with the current ncos, that is. Sigh, only 2 casualties, and 7 of us survived! Good thing wailam was easy to treat. Sad thing, in confusion, i treated nosebleed wrongly. Omg, even last year i treated nosebleed correctly okay
Then, Besurai. Sad, the NCOs keep saying how we should make them cry and all and then i started tearing?! So during POC, i will cry like mad lah! D: D: D:

Done, finally.(:

Well, overall camp wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, but it was definately much more tiring then i expected.

i shall go think about the best and worst parts of camp and the most___and all those things and post again later tonight :D

On 3:46 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Post Camp 2

Day 1
Freaked alot in the morning cause of the excess materials that appeared in my group and all, but got through Uniform Inspection and bag check and surprisingly, nothing of mine got confiscated this year. (Even though my torch was labelled correctly without me knowing) Oh but during bag check, also for the first time in my red cross life, my fingers were numb and my whole arm was shaking! Freaked me out lah D:
Then we had PT! and i ran four laps with my stitch which i had before even arriving at the track. :D
Firedrill, sigh. Rachel ma'am and her bleeding back so i didnt know how to even do head to toe or evacuate (after treating for the bleeding back and hepatitis B) But now i know that you can evacuate with hand seat without touching the back -__-
Footdrill accred theory. We were convinced it was easy so we had half the time to study and did the test. And the test was easier then any other promo tests i have taken. So, i've come to appreciate how SCRCY's standard is higher :D

(then i can't remember what else we had before...)

Then we had wushu! And the instructors were under the mediacorp actor guy, Vincent-i-dont-know-what and Ami was spreading rumours and disgusting stuff. But we kicked and punched so much that it was then all my muscle aches came about.
Campfire was cool, with Azidah mm cos she has OA gold! Omg, she was super cool at making the thingies going so we had food :D
And me, ami and bobo were eating raw maggie noodles and it was scrumptious! Duck flavour was the best!
Nightwalk was amazing cos DEBORAH MA'AM RAN INTO US. and she even tried bribing us with twisties that Sarah Cheong ma'am bought!
At night was HOT! i woke up sweating! Can you believe it?! And last year i was frozen cold.

K, dun wanna type so much already. Tomorrow I'll finish posting for Day 2 and Day 3

On 7:58 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Post Camp 1.

"I really hope i survive this camp,
i hope i survive lugging around sleeping bag,
i hope i survive changing parades,
i hope i survive bathing,
i hope i survive bag check,
i hope i survive firedrills,
i hope i survive the mornings,
i hope i survive lessons,
i hope i survive the nights,
i hope i survive the scoldings,

Well, i did. Especially accred. Our whole level passed. I'm so glad and yeah credit does go Sarah Tan ma'am too :D

After camp i went to get ribena from the secthrees and my dad came and brought me to get coke and gave me brownies and when i got back i stole a steak from my grandparents house.

&I havent eaten dinner,
so bye!

-proper post about camp later-

On 7:52 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, June 16, 2008

you know, i doint know anyone who is looking forward to it -_-

Lets see, i've finished packing except for my writing materials and my notes, polished, or maybe NOT polished, my boots. But i still have to prepare uniform!

So today was standardization mtg. Well, we're screwed.
156-ed down to J8 with Linda and Rahrah to get group items and POOR Linda had to buy chicken and watermelon and all and still MRT back!

I really hope i survive this camp,
i hope i survive lugging around sleeping bag,
i hope i survive changing parades,
i hope i survive bathing,
i hope i survive bag check,
i hope i survive firedrills,
i hope i survive the mornings,
i hope i survive lessons,
i hope i survive the nights,
i hope i survive the scoldings,
omg, thats the worse lah!

sigh, i'll never survive camp this way.
sometimes, i do wish i was sick :/
but my poor group NCO is sick :/
Haha, Get well soon Sarah Cheong ma'am :D

Argh, FD silver! D: D: D:
&firedrills D: D: D:

On 6:54 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kungfu Panda was kinda nice? :)

Very stressed out now,
for stupid camp.
There's so much to prepare but
not enough time.

there is group items,
individual items,
accred to study for,
uniform to do,
and totally no time.

i used to study for accred before camp
last year.
and now, i dont even have time to study
there is just too much to do
so i supposed i'm going to fail accred this year?

Poor JY. Poor Linda. Poor Dione,
they are doing so much for the group already.

i feel so useless compared to them,
and i am still stressed

Whoo, having a fever now:D
that's what rahrah calls,

On 10:10 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

just a quick one,


and even if you are so mean to me and read so slowly, i still love you :D

see, i'm so nice. Even though i am not the first to wish you through sms and your tagboard, i'm the second, but FIRST
to post it on my blog kay! :D

okay, Kungfu Panda time!
Maybe I'll post later :D

On 1:38 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Whoo! Today was super cool i've been using cool so much. Today was awesome!
Footdrill in the morning, reached school at 745 and it started to rain. And as it got closer to the reporting time, and i/c was missing and the rain become heavier, we were all panicking.
But i/c came eventually :D but the rain got heavier and heavier and even in the amphi, rain was pouring in and wetting the floor, making me shiver, even in squad!
Learnt memaras, and seriously, it was quite bad! But we got in after awhile and i hope it will get better, especially when all the missing people are here :D But memaras was fun, hee!
NCOs let us off earlier and we talked in the amphi! Haha, it was..uh interesting. And Dotsy was there <3
Lunch was funny. Even before lunch, at newton! Heh heh heh :D Scary at the same time!
"What should we buy from seven-eleven? How do we get to juntion 8?" :)
Then walked around with Rahrah and Dione and went for tuition but was one hour early so i sat on the slide and watched the sky and did my maths
Today was so enjoyable! I love these outing! Can we have another one, please?

On 8:29 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So i have decided,

I like Peter- in the book,
Susan- in the movie,
Edmund- in the movie
Lucy- in the book,
Prince Caspian- in the book.
Well, i guess Lucy is nice in the book cause her faith is very clear and admirable but in the movie she's just too goody-two-shoes, and Peter is more level-headed in the book. Prince Caspian didnt do anything wrong in the book so i dont hate the book Caspian. :D
Susan is sad in the book but the movie her is cool so i wont go to the extent of hating her though!

I love their battle waepons. Swords look cooler, and they go 'swish-swish', and bow and arrows are awesome espesecially when they go 'twang and whatever noise it makes'

On 9:12 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

"Why have all your followers all drawn their swords, may i ask?" said Aslan.

"May it please your High Majesty," said the second Mouse, whose name was Peepicheek, " we are all waiting to cut off our own tails if our Chief must go without his. We will not bare the shame of wearing an honour which is denied to the High Mouse."

"Ah!" roared Aslan. " You have conquered me. You have great hearts. Not for the sake of your dignity, Reepicheep, but for the love that is between you and your people, and still more for the kindness you people showed me long ago when you ate away the cords that bound me on the Stone Table (and it was then, though you have long forgotten it, that you became to be Talking Mice), you shall have your tail again."

Haha, Reepicheep and his little army so noble!
And Centaur Glenstorm too!

I must say, Prince Caspian is way better in the book but its weird because everyone addressed him as King Caspian before he was even crowned by Peter! Haha, Peter calls him Caspian only though.

I agree with YC. With the book, the movie is horrible if you compare the story with the book. But a marvelous movie itself. I wanna watch it again! Haha :D

Other then Narnia, tomorrow there is footdrill at 8am in school with Sarah Tan Ma'am and after that lunch with level mistresses! :D :D

Oh, i saw so many people i know on kid central today, Joe from church ( as a young boy 9years ago) and JUSTINE CHIN! haha, kids central's cool, but Planetcook is just gross.

On 2:34 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, June 9, 2008

i'm the happiest girl alive today! :D :D :D

Mummy came back from Mosco with presents!

And i bought the Narnia, Prince Caspian soundtrack!
Haha, so cool :D
But it had weirdo sounds too! Like Prince Caspian galloping on his horse for 4min plus! Hahaha :D

Tuition was rather weird.
Mr Clement Cheng or whatever his name wasnt-.-
He was so like Mr Andrew Cheng! Sigh?
And Rahrah was being super extra in class! HAHA :D

i love narnia! :DD

On 10:22 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Today was absoulutely cool! The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!

Amazing! Hahaha :D
I simply love Susan and Aslan, they're so cool! Haha!

And my disc contained bloopers and commentries and a film on the four Pevensie children growth behind the scenes and all!
It was so funny and interesting!
Haha, Edmund whatever-his-real-name-is grew 6inches!

anyone wants to borrow can tell me :D

Now i feel extremely guilty for abandoning Prince Caspian in my bag.
Never mind, I'll let YC catch up then! Haha.

And i havent been studying. And i have about 6days left. Hahaha! Mugging this week! Yay!

Okay, off to bathe and then tuition with RahRah at Learning Lab

On 5:42 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Since YC decided to quote stuff from The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes into sight,
At the sound of His roar, sorrows will be no more,
When He bears His teeth, winter meets its death,
And when He shakes His mane, we shall have
spring again.

Haha, i shant type the other poem cause its meant for Peter :D

On 8:00 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

"What wonderful memories you have! Fancy you still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children." - Susan, The Last Battle.

D: D: D:

Okay whatever, Susan's still cool.

The Horse and His Boy today.
Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Hahaha, Prince Cor and Corin's cool!

I'm hooked to the Narnia series now,
and unfortunately, neglecting my work :D

Oh, i heard The Voyage of the Dawn Tredder is going to come out soon!
But not all the Pevensie children will be in it D:

You'll come back,when they call you
No need to say goodbye

On 7:44 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I just remembered something from The Last Battle!

Susan lost her faith and didnt go back to Narnia, saying it was those silly games they used to play when they were younger.

Omg lah! I'm fuming with anger! I almost cried when i remembered it and confirmed it D:

Never mind, I'll cling on to the fact that she is still the nice person in Prince Caspian and all.
Furthermore someone said that since her whole family died and she is still left in her world she would have time to mend her ways and believe again!

Sigh D: .. Why her!?

On 10:51 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

CAC briefing in the morning!

Can you believe it, we were the first school to arrive 45min earlier!
And it didnt look like a campsite to me :D
And it lasted for less then 1hr!

I spent the whole afternoon just curled up in bed, reading! :D
Even had time to re-read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
&truthfully, the movie had more action then i imagined the book too have.
But it was nice though the Pevensie kids were much younger then.
I'm going to re-read the entire series! Yeah! :D

High King Peter, the Magnificant
Queen Susan, the Gentle :D
King Edmund, the Just
Queen Lucy, the Valiant
..Prince/King Caspian, the I-Dont-Know-What

Okay, back to Wii-ing with Donkey Kong :D

On 9:51 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, June 6, 2008
No Need To Say Goodbye

Outing with DebYC
Before we met i had to wait for her in the hot sweltering heat in the MRT station. Then i saw a train totally empty! Like ghost town :D
After that we bought the tickets and J8 had some insect display and there were huge tarantula. And i really saw it moved. Maybe its an illusion! Hehheh!
Baked rice@ Pastamania! That girl, tsktsk! Such a messy eater and she blames it on Ami and Faeqa!Hahaha :D She used three pieces of tissue can! I only used one! Yay!
Then walked around and she decided to buy popcorn before we went in then we were told we couldnt go in yet so we brought the drink and the large popcorn to Action City!
Movie was good! Heh :D
I love Narnia shows! And the soundtrack!
Not to mention it is already the second time i was watching it!
YC missed such a fun part with the bear person D:
Heh! Actually, Susan is really pretty! And Edmund's better then Peter :D
I'll miss Susan! Who cares bout Peter!
And i dont even like the idea of Prince Caspian being King!
The four children looks cooler royal people!
His supposed to be around the same age as Peter..
But dont you think its cooler when you see the four of them standing there as Kings and Queens? Then now there is some extra-ded person there! Hahaha :D

On 9:38 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

power rangers :D


On 10:25 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Yesterday i didn't go to school!
Sigh, mummy didn't allow me.. Poofy

But a 13hour TV marathon with studying is not that bad either is it? :D :D

Going out with YC later to J8 watch Prince Caspian.
I'm nice to follow her and no one else wants to go..

Cant wait for wednesday. Or can i? Heh.

Okay study time! Byebye!

This blogskin..its either me, or else the alignment is weird Now it isn't :D :D

On 9:52 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Must do quiz now :D

Q1: Do you like your present school?
Yeah or else why would i chose it after PSLE huh?
Q2: What do you want the most now?
Stop having nightmares and weird dreams :/
Q3: Who is the closest person to you in your schoool?
Hahah too many lah, mostly my red cross friends :D
Q4: Do you hate your friends sometimes?
I dont think so.. i would probabaly hate myself for making them angry or something
Q5: Are you afraid of death?
Nope. Not when i know i have eternal life in my Lord :D
Q6: What is your goal for this year?
To do well and get into the combi i want next year
Q7: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Q8: Do you believe in eternity love? (Enternal love you mean?)
Yes. Jesus loves me forever! :D
Q9: Have you ever broken someone's heart that he/she wants to commit suicide?
I doubt it..
Q10: What do you enjoy doing the most?
Daydreaming and having fun
Q11: Have you ever done anything for your admirer?
Nope..oh wait depends
Q12: What feeling do you hate the most?
when people are angry with me and ignore me
Q13: Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Well, yeah. Otherwise it wont be friendship anymore!
Q14: Who would you probably spend your the rest of your life with?
My Saviour
Q15: What do you think is the most important thing is your life?
Relationships and friendships
Q16: Do you find life meaningless?
"To live is Christ to die is gain" What do you think?
Q17: Who do you love most?
God, Family and Friends
Q18: Who do you talk most to in school?
Friends and Bob
Q19: What are you listening to now?
iTunes, Little Superhero girl
Q20: 8 people to do this quiz :
Anyone who wants to do it(:

Yay! Done! Phew :D
Going to change blogskin :D

On 11:58 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Finally watch Narnia, Prince Caspian after me and my -mummy-promised- whines!

Its reallyreally good<3
Prince Caspian is really ugly though!
Even Peter looks cooler!
Aslan is the coolest! And the oh so cute courageous rat and his tail.
But i didnt really understand the first part cos the characters personality was so mixed up!

Quite sad at some parts though..and the ending part was really weird..^^
But the songs were very nice! Especially the ending song!

Cocco dog <3

On 5:19 PM, Carolyn(: let go.