Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i have this sudden urge to go travelling.
Hong Kong.
New Zealand.
New York.
travelling is cool.
never thought so until now. :D

the remaining school year seems to boring all of a sudden.
Or perhaps its cause i'm bored now,
and not in the do homework mood.

On 10:21 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

school seemed really long today,
for some unknown reason.
Yesterday was longer, so.. HAHA!

The chinese news is so cool!
something about pasir ris beach water not being clean,
so they interviewed this young adult
who said
"the water has always been my favourite, if the government says its dirty and not fit for swimming, i will still swim"

Thinking about my standard of chinese now,
and to take chinese Os next year,
sounds really awkward.

Oh but i learnt graphs and the whole propotion thingy in tuition,
and its quite cool :D :D

I wanna go UK Lit trip next year,
the carpet grass and bath is so pretty!

lets see,
11days to NDP!
(and my marching still sucks)
10days to Beijing Olympics!
54 days to EOYs
6days to science test.
(and it was supposedly a revision D: )

i think i study better in the mornings before i go to school,
then to study late into the night.

On 10:03 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
A nugget from the past.

Hello. I'm finally back,
from 2hr of swimming. Haha!
Its been so long since i last swam,
and it really takes your mind of useless things,
Haha, i used to like hostory so much, poo.
But try swimming at 630.
When the sun starts to set and the clouds
bathe in an orange hue.
So pretty.
Dinner was alot of food, cause we bought stuff from the club,
on top of home-cooked food,
so it ended like a fusion of
chinese and western food. :D

Back to hostory!
-this post took 3min.-

On 9:04 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Today was beach cleaning with FMSS,
(Fairfield Methodist Secondary School)
Reach school to find Feaqa missing,
but found out she was hiding! :D

On the way to east coast,
we said some cheers and it was cool
cause the stream-y cheer,
i never did it so long before!

Reach ECP early,
so we did PT. Ran around many trees,
and looking very weird, but oh well!
Then picked rubbish,
and Wailam ma'am found a used ____
now isnt that interesting.
But going to the ECP cum beach,
was a wonderful idea.
Had tons of rubbish to pick up,
so if ou weigh them, it'll probably be at least 5kg
Isnt that amazing! :DD

An we made sand castles and sand balls too.
And siti's and charissa's and ruth's
castle thingy was awesome!
Super cool :D
And we made many SCRCY markings there huh!
Many sculptures we made were so pretty!

Played double wacko with them,
and it was, well fun?
Then that squirrel game.

Then we went back~

Went to PS for lunch with my aunt and bro.
Met the NDP people!
Haha, they were really surprised.
So was i!
Talked to them awhile and went for lunch,
then met them again to tell them bout honours day,
then went shopping!
Haha, daiso and marks and spencers!

Oh dione!
There are percy pigs, piglets and penny pigs!
Haha, so cute<3

At my aunts house now,
using the MacBook,
its awesome!

On 4:07 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Well, i tried looking for a complete level photo,
without other people;
and i realised i couldnt find any.
i wish we can take one on sports day,
and i know we can :D

I'm determined to change,
will anyone help me?

i dont want to carry on living in denial anymore,
i am determined to change,
i want to change.
i will change.

i'll keep that ox with me everyday,
reminding myself to change.

On to happier things,
beach cleaning and games with FMSS.
i will change,
i dont wanna hurt anymore tomorrow.

I wanna watch a movie.
anyone want to go out with me tomorrow?

Off to do reflection now.
to change for the better.

On 5:59 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Into the blue.

All i really needed was rest and prayer.
I'm all better now :D

Yesterday was just uh,
figment of my imagination that,
will never come back! Yay! :D
Psst, sorry for what i said last night.

Into the blue, had been my place to hide,
now into the raw, there is nowhere to hide.

So what do you do?
Dont hide lah!
Haha, ok i'm definately high now.
I need maths to pull me back down to Earth!


On 11:05 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

and you dont know it,
but i'm crying now.

mmhm, today in worship,
we did God's grace.
And Pastor Kenneth told us this story, of a boy and his principal.

One day, a very rebellious boy,
walked into the principal office, followed by his teacher.
The principal looked us and asked,
"what did you do"
The boy, stripped his shirt to show his bare chest,
and told his principal,
"i kicked a boy. 15 times, you can cane me, i'm used to it"
The principal nodded.
This boy was a regular into the office,
he had made this offence, countless of times.
The principal got up, walked over to the boy,
and took off his belt, and folded it into half.
As if on cue,the boy put out his hand, as his teacher stepped forward.
The principal passed the belt to his teacher,
and said to the boy,
"i'm going to teach you a lesson. A lesson of grace."
The principal stretched out his hand towars the teacher,
who immediatly started to hit the principal with the belt. Hard.
by the eighth stroke, the boy yelled for his teacher to stop.
the boys eyes swelled up, and began to tear.
The principal held out his hand for the boy to see.
they were stained with blood.
The boy was in shock when the principal said,
"My child, you are free to go."
In the way, the principal suffered for the boy,
and the boy realised his folly.
Also, the principal did this,
knowing the boy, had repeated the same folly, many times.

Today, i found out the real meaning of grace.
Grace meant that the one who gives, actually suffered to give.
Sin brings death,
but Grace brings life back.
When sin is abundant,
grace is abundent much more.

Somehow, i feel that what man promises,
are all so superficial.
After awhile, i realise i dont understand you enough.
I cant seem to trust in you or confide in you anymore.
Or maybe its cause,
you dont confide in me anymore.
Sometimes, i feel people dont trust me anymore.

Maybe times like these are,
a blessing in disguise.
I never found the Lord so real in my life before

On 10:17 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
National Finalist.

Yep, thats right,
mmhm, quite unexpected though.

Let see, went to AMKsec knowing we werent going to win,
and not being very bothered at all.
Maybe, we just felt like giving up? Hahaha.
Set up our booths and ruth going "everyone has decorations!!"
Well, yeah, every, or almost all the groups,
had other visual aids,
and compared to theirs,
ours was a joke.
Considering a woman went to all the booths to take pictures.
But when she came to ours, she got ready to take,
then she stopped herself, and walked away
So we presented,
and we could tell that the judges weren't impressed.

Thus, when Mr Lim came,
he asked us if we had chance.
My only answer was no chance at all.

So he asked Alvin sir or some sir whether we could go back
(good thing we didnt)

He brought us to lunch and treated us to a bag of
yummy yummy fries each :D

went back, but was told by Mr Lim we shouldnt leave.
He then told us,
he has a strong feeling we will be top 8.
I thought he was joking,
but maybe he really did know :D

somehow, i didnt feel sad or anything
i just felt, well,
it was quite expected if we didnt get it.

During the prize presentation ceremony,
my parents were waiting for me downstairs.
Seriously, i was about to sleep already
(i stayed up till 1plus yesterday)
and i wasnt very interested in the results,
but well, proved me wrong.

We were practically in disbelief.
Actually, i'm still in disbelief now.
And there were three winners each district.
We werent one of them.
But we emerged top 8. Weird huh?

Yupp, second round was Q&A.
On both topics.
And as i was saying,
we didnt bother even studying,
thinking we wont get in.
So we practically crapped our way through
But still got some correct anyway
Some because i knew,
and some,
amazingly were pure crap.

Qns: ..what is the activity american red crosss and the -something about saving the environment company- do to -something good-?

Then ruth and i were crapping stuff.
Our answer?
Ruth: Go Green
Me: Save the earth, live healthy.

And omg, it was partly correct ok! the go green part! Hahah!

And unfortunately,

i forgot last year's PRCLove theme! And that was one of the questions
And i knew what world blood donor day, the details of last years one. Not this years. How sad!

But well, its over now.
And we've got our certs, and
haha :D
We arent top 3,
which were,
Victoria school, RGS and RI respectively.
But i'm glad and very surprised with our achievement!


National Finalists<3

On 7:08 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, July 18, 2008
i wish you were here with me, tonight

This week started off really weird
with extreme emotions like, Olivia!
Being happy and all first, and suddenly get all agitated and stuff D:
But i'm glad today, in school,
i managed to stay awake throughout the lessons,
and pay attention to everything! :D :D :D

CAC meeting after school.
My speech is ready!
Somehow, i am not very nervous,
should i be? (:

Oh well, all the best to me!

These few weeks gone by so quickly.
I miss folding those paper stars,
drinking lots of coke,
using JIF to rub of the coke signs,
colouring the comic strips,
coming to school early and meeting people in the gallery.

Awh man.
Haha, school ndp is coming,
and we dont have march-y people!
Haha :D

When youre close to tears remember
Some day itll all be over
One day were gonna get so high

And though its darker than december
Whats ahead is a different colour
One day were gonna get so high

And at
The end of the day
Well remember the days
We were close to the edge
And well wonder how we made it through
And at
The end of the day
Well remember the way
We stayed so close to till the end
Well remember it was me and you
cause we are gonna be forever you and me
Youll always keep me flying high in the sky of love

Dont you think its time you started
Doing what we always wanted
One day were gonna get so high

cause even the impossible is easy
When we got each other
One day were gonna get so high

And at
The end of the day
Well remember the days
We were close to the edge
And well wonder how we made it through
And at
The end of the day
Well remember the way
We stayed so close to till the end
Well remember it was me and you
cause we are gonna be forever you and me
You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love

High, high, high, high...

On 4:39 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
flowers by the bay


today red cross meeting.
quite fun, CAC presentation,
which just told us how un-prepared we are D:
FA!- omg fa was damn cool! reminded me so much of lessons and call-me-out-of-the-room meetings with Sarah Cheong ma'am :D
Evac, we did stretcher drills around the eco-pond and was timing and all. Looked quite weird, but was fun too.
Recre, we didnt play the salt and water game. But captain's ball! haha, sorry faeqa if we kept arguing! Heehee :D

Oh oh! i must mention this,
during bersurai(or before that)
we were introduced to Ms Lai!
Ok, i already know her and she teaches me,
but now red cross has 6 teachers!
Ms Ku, Ms Hing, Mrs Lee,
Mr Lim, Ms Lai and another new teacher to be introduced soon.
Isnt it cool, how at least 3 of them have taught me before?

After i came back, i fell asleep,
well, after two consecutive bedtime-after-midnight nights,
and red cross, its perfectly normal right?
So i fell asleep on the dining table sofa,
and when i woke up, i saw my dog next to the sofa.
And apparently,
my dog was "guarding" me and growled when someone wanted to wake me up.
Perhaps she knew that i was terribly tired, and terribly sick.

Rahrah! All the best for your piano exam tomorrow!
And ndp on sat :D
And guess what! my nose is blocked and runny now!
And sore thoat is still there D:

I'm staying up to do CAC today!
Wish me luck.
Hopefully, i dont die of sickness.

On 9:53 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

chinese quiz today was cool.
answers were quite obvious(:
-nothing to post, so i shant-

dont we look like a bunch of cousins or something? Haha so cool :D

(I'm supposed to be doing CAC stuff D:)

getting ready to march up the spiral staircase(:

Locky arms look cool :D

Looking through old photos are fun<3

Off to CAC :D

On 10:25 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

today is 15th july,
you will always be our favourite rcv mistress and continue giving us chocolate, and make your camy chocoy lots of love k?
i'm going to fail higher chinese this year. Eeek!

On 7:23 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

i'm one day late, but,


On 7:19 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pretty? I think so!
Haha today, had FA Duty at this food fair place.
And it was fun.
But one thing was highly amusing.
This woman scalded her scalp? and shoulder.
So we were dousing water for 10mins.
After which she told us it still hurts.
And then she told us something.
like wth-.-
And her manager or something,
scolded me for not putting something on it
and demanded i get dettol for him to put on her head.
hahaha :D
Then nothing much happened.
Until the end.
led us around little india, around mustafa,
along the main road,
to bugis and sim lim square.
Where we finally got on the bus.
Haha, but nvm faeqa!
i forgive you(:
Thats all.
Oh yeah,

On 9:17 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, July 11, 2008
my corner in the sky

Today is such a nice, fun, slackish kinda day.
LangArts first, then science at the com lab,
followed by music<3
and computer studies now! Later is CE.

I love musicals! Haha.

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends

-Seasons of love, Rent

Rivers belong where they can ramble

Eagles belong where they can fly
I've got to be where my spirit can run free
Got to find my corner of the sky

-Corner of the sky, Pippin


In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me and speaks my name
And do I dream again for now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me to glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your mind

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear...

Your/My spirit and my/your voice in one combined
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my/your mind

He’s there, the phantom of the opera!

He’s there, the phantom of the opera

Sing, my Angel of Music
Sing, my Angel
Sing for me
Sing, my Angel!
Sing for me!

I have brought you
to the seat of sweet music's throne
to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music
You have come here,
for one purpose, and one alone
Since the moment I first heard you sing,
I have needed you with me,
to serve me, to sing,
for my music...
my music...

-Phantom of the Opera, The Phantom of the Opera
(my favourite! Haha)

summer nights from Grease is nice too<3

I hate it when it keeps raining in the morning,
its so cold..and i hate this kinda feeling.
i love it when we can all meet in the courtyard,
and catch glimpses of friends.

Haha, i dont know what i just typed.
Listening to Grease now<3

you are outside there now. :D

On 11:28 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yay, so the first meeting after POC 08,
and i was I/C,
overall I/C.

At the starting,
in the amphi.
PeiWen Ma'am came to wish me good luck.
And then Sarah Cheong Ma'am came to wish me good luck
and give me sweets<3
(even though someone was with her, just like i expected :D)

Had quite alot of extra time, but yeah.
shouted outside the room,
with this big GIGANTIC dustbin next to the room.
So i didnt have much space!
Haha, but i was quite fin,
and i had to shout twice, finally reported to Qian Yi Ma'am.

Then we had PT!
Omg, then i didnt know who to report to
since Michelle Ma'am wasnt there. Reported to Qian Yi Ma'am
in the end too! Haha(:
And i had to lead in warm ups!
MYSELF, with Mary,
and prompts from my level.
I was super nervous can, ended up it was so screwed.
The rounds too, leading in cheers with my levelmates :D

Footdrill with YanBing Ma'am before Michelle Ma'am came.
Quite okay i guess,
but i got alot more confused D:
Haha, Pearlyn Ma'am came too,
and started video-ing tons of stuff-.-

RCV with Gilda Ma'am.
The others did quiz while the four of us were doing CAC.
They are doing RCV Gold too! Yippee!

Ndp Tryouts,
i wish i can get in.
But i doubt after so many mistakes,
i can.
i really want to.

Besurai was fun.
Greeting a new batch of ncos.

After that,
Sarah Cheong Ma'am and Sarah Tan Ma'am came back
from united square,
just to come back for us!
Haha went back with her,
or walked her to her bus stop :D

thats around it.
and even though i wasnt a good i/c
i did try my best.

On 9:19 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

pray for me.
that i dont screw up tomorrow's meeting.

why do i have this feeling,
that something bad is going to happen tomorrow?

scary. D:

On 10:33 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Eh, okay.
Proper post now :D

Before geog test,
went around with ami.
Haha funny ok..the duel
Ami: Can i have ____
Owl: Erm -shakes head-

Geog test was difficult.
Or maybe if i just studied earlier and on the
Green Revolution, i would have done well. Or well-er

After school stayed back with Debbie to do
do secthree-ish stuff.
Discussed some things when Debbie decided she had to go.
Leaving me with Ami :O

Went to find____and stayed back with them
and talked alot about crap.

ok, so i am I/C on thursday.
exciting, but very scary too.
sigh, hope i do okay

no time to update already.
need to do unit labels now.

On 10:29 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Gah, must be me first secthree i/c
crap. Haha somemore at first was JY.
then suddenly me! Poo(:

but i'm excited :D

-more later, tuition now-

On 6:48 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME

Haha, mmhm,
so its my birthday today.

i try to think what is special about today.
Last year, when i turned 13,
it was then, when i finally became a teen.
What's mpre, my birthdate was 07/07/07
special numbers.

This year, being 14 is nothing special.
and the birthdate, is nothing special too. 07/07/08
But i think, it can be special cause its a holiday
But that is so superficial.
I think the best and most special thing today,
was having my friends and even the exNCOs over.

In the morning,
i was woken up by my brother singing happy birthday.
Gosh, haha.

Then Debbie smsed me to wish me.
First person, Debbie! Haha.

After getting ready and all,
went down to Esso to buy Kinder Bueno that i owe Ami,
and called Debbie to ask her what drink to buy,
but Sarah Tan Ma'am picked up =.="
Ice lemon tea.

Went to play with my cousins when Pearlyn Ma'am smsed to tell me they were here.
She said uh, 154. With tractors.
Haha, i was like, huh?
And they didnt see me at my cousin's house,
or hear when my cousin said hello.

Played Wii after that,
cooking mama.
Haha, i wonder who forgot to cut the sea urchin.
And the way they played were funny,
especially the exNCOs.
I think my level is the only sane level around.

Went to playground to eat cake.
Haha, we sang Happy birthday while the exNCOs were on the swing.
I wonder if they saw the amazing number of mosquitos there were.
i guess not.

Lunch @Thomson Plaza KFC.
Haha, quite funny at first.
Then we just talked and talked bout stuff.

i guess thats all.


oh yeah,
i forgot.
Thank you Claire for the card and lovely present;
Thank you Dionee for the letter and wonderful Zak;
Thank you Rahrah for the letter and hand-made bookmark;
Thank you Debbie and Ami for coming;
and thank you the three exNCOs (who encouraged me to invite them),
for the cards, letters and the nice nice nice present.
its beyond words to describe! Hee.

On 6:06 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
1...2...3...and its gone

i thought i had already got over it,
but all of a sudden,
i miss them so much.


On 2:48 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

i remeber when the exNCOs were reading out the teaching department for the new hierachy,
i remeberd how i was listening intently to who the sec2s mistresses were going to be.
Until I realised that, I was no longer a sectwo.

I remember how,
last year, we couldnt wait to be sectwos.
I dont want to give it up now.

I remember how,
last year's POC was so different.
I was sad, but not excatly...
well, i just didnt care much.
But this POC, i cant believe it past so fast.
It seems like just a few days ago that they took over.
I cared so much, that they were going to leave,
just like that.

I remeber how,
last year i was so easy add the Ma'am behind the exNCOs names.
Now its so difficult,
just because the exNCOs still seem like the NCOs
we respected and love so much
I remeber how,
when they took over,
many of us, were very annoyed with how they were doing stuff,
but after some time,
i realised it was all for the better.
Now, whatever they do,
i miss it already.

POC dinner yesterday.
Before that,
i went to Bobo's house,
and played with cleo!
Haha cleo and tigger could be distant cousins :D
And i love spastic bunny :D
After that,
at united square.
I think the tshirts looked lovely.
I really enjoyed myself thoroughly.
Took alot of pictures.
pictures here:

On a happier note,

On 12:32 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, July 4, 2008

sometimes, goodbye, though it hurts in your heart, is the only way for destiny.

after months of preparation for poc,
almost every other recess period,
sitting in the gallery preparing
and freaking out.

it just came to an end.

as we walked to the canteen today,
i cant help feeling that sense of loss.

more laterr.

On 12:34 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
POC 2008

school just went by in a blur today.

maybe i can try to recall todays events. But i'm cant type all here. I shall write it someone else and hide it.

Promotion Ceremony first.
whoo, so proud of my whole level!
And to those who got warrant, cool.
staff still sounds cooler.

Angel and ward revealing.
Nothing much?

Then did red cross cheers in the gallery. Sadly, we didnt do the "Longkang" cheer.

Omg, Sarah Tan Ma'am and Sarah Cheong Ma'am are super sweet.
Esp the last part.
But the who sucks more! OMG lah.
I saw dotsy(:
And i thought of all my level's memories.

Tea then Peformance.
I think we really were too soft.
And i was crying during the performance.
So many NCOs were crying.
And at the end, the NCOs sang for us.
It was super sweet, and made me cried more.
And, when i saw my level mistresses crying,
it made me feel so much more worse.

After that, we "bonded" with the level mistresses.
Talked awhile and ,
its reallyreally pretty.
Took pictures and did "stick it in"
and we had permission to wet them.
Have you seen how awfully wet they were?
Then some of us went round hugging them :D

After that, me, ami and JY stayed back,
while waiting for my parents,
who came at 745,
so for so long,
we just talked about our last, their last,
and alot of things.

that was really generic.

but i really cannot imagine red cross without them.
i just cant.
i tried, but all that came to my mind,
was this blank piece of paper.

I remember we were in school,
Danielle Ma'am came over to say bye.
I looked at her, and felt really weird,
as i said, "bye ma'am"

I'm going to miss them alot,
especially, my level mistresses.
Sarah Tan Ma'am; Pearlyn Ma'am; Sarah Cheong Ma'am;
Lynn Ma'am; Pei Jung Ma'am.

today feels like a joke.
thats not true.

A special tribute to them
(actually it was what we said and sung just now.)

Opening speech:
Well, it’s finally POC right?
And we just want to let you know that you have been really great NCOs to us.
Thank you for being really good sec 3s who always take such good care of us when we first stepped into Red Cross last year as new recruits. Thank you for always protecting us and helping us in what we needed to do.
We knew who would be the perfect role models for us since last year, from the burning dustbin’s incident when you cleared up after us and allowed us to bathe, and also when there were not enough seats in Swensens’ to fit all of us during POC dinner and you offered to eat at the food court instead.
When you became NCOs, you never distanced yourselves too far from us, and still continued to protect us and help us in everything we do.

Closing speech:
We hope that though you are going to leave red cross now, we will still be one in our hearts, and we will remember those special times we had together because memories of you will always be etched in our minds. Thank you for what you have taught us and for being with us through thick and thin. We know that you care for us, which you have shown in such an unlikely way. We know that we can never thank you enough, and we know that we will miss you when you’re gone. You made us who we are today, and whenever we think about Red Cross, or who we are now, we will always remember you for you have made such a huge impact in our lives. And lastly, remember that we will be friends forevermore!

You’re my honeybunch, sugarplum,
You’re my sweetie-pie.
You’re my cuppycake, gumdrops,
The apple of my eye.
And I love you so,
And I want you to know,
That I’ll always be right here.
And I love to sing this song to you,
Because you are so dear.

As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand
And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned
But you'll see every day
That we'll never turn away
When it seems all your dreams come undone
We will stand by your side
Filled with hope and filled with pride
We are more than we areWe are one
Even those who are gone
Are with us as we go on
Your journey has only begun
Tears of pain, tears of joy
One thing nothing can destroy
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one

Whenever you remember times gone by,
Remember how we held our heads so high,
When all this world was there for us,
And we believed that we could touch the sky.
Whenever you remember I’ll be there,
Remember how we reach that dream together…
Whenever you remember

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live
My world has twice as many stars in the sky

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You’ll be in my heart
Yes, you’ll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You’ll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You’ll be here in my heart

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still beFriends Forever
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forevermore

-pictures on the xanga-

On 9:12 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

maybe i'll order chocolate indulgance.

On 5:17 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

child eating dragons

well, its been a longg time since i posted.
approximately, a few hours :D

haiz, i feel so got-work-to-do-just-dont-feel-like-doing-ish
Haha, my english these few days have been weird,
just like that worksheet we did for geog,
it seriously had english-isy errors.

science test was so
i gave up typing that :)

science class was fun though,
GY joined us,
and as usual Faeqa just made noise and was so weird,
and me and ami were making fun of her.
Faeqa the clownfish
Ami the hermit crab
and me the mudskipper
Have you seen a mudskipper, its adorable <3

Oh yes, Ami forgot her...BOB today.

Then stayed back after school to help with squad drills.
They got 19! Unfair, i want 19 too! Haha!
I got 85/100 in total :D

so Ami and JY and Linda wants a party too
should i?
Sigh sigh!

Aha, that was rythme-ish :D
I like my rhymes.

Oh man, 2 more days.

On 4:32 PM, Carolyn(: let go.