Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ah, i never do survive without the computer huh.
no matter, i have 10 min left of my daily 30 min and i didnt use yesterday(:

combat skirmish on tuesday,
whoopee, it was really fun
but super tiring and after 3 missions, we left for school, and the gun shots were still rining in my head and it felt weird not holding a heavy gun. haha!(:
i'll go there one day after EOYs!
we shouldmake it a unit outing or smth, HAHA!

today, we had emath test,
and it was a KILLER!!
i didnt know how to do so many questions cause i couldnt find alot of angles and lengths and what not, sigh!
i really want to do well for at least EMATH, if not amath D:
then it was health week activities, and VOLLEYBALL tesy during PE!
the volleyball was so hard, and we were digging it for at least 20 over mins non stop, so i developed alot of red spots, and Mr Sim says they are there because the blood cappilaries punctured and there is internal bleeding, which got covered by scabs! HAHAH, bio is so fun!
110 round race, 13 people= die!!
haha the first round i sprinted, my shoe almost came off!! D:
then i did the second round, and me, JY, Esther, and Tricia got whisked off for Indoor Rowing finals!! how were we supposed to know there were finals and we got in!
so by the time we got there, our legs and hands were alr burning because of the sprint, so obviously the two other groups beat us! Haha, then!!! I rowed 50m more because they thought each person rows 200, instead of 250!!
so poor me rowed 300! ):
then we went back to run!

Gosh i really love my RC friends and juniors too!
other then the GR people, the juniors were screaming and cheeering for us too, quite funny really. Cause everyone turns to look at the "ma'ams", Hehe!
but thanks amanda loh, amanda soo, ziwei, and sulin! and the other people who i may have not seen! HAHAHAHA :D
&Pearlyn Ma'am and Mitali Ma'am came back, heh! (:

then went to far east with suhui and domi
to look for dresses for them, for both the Church Anniversary, and ASEAN prom(:
and good me, reunited them with Rachel! (:
&we ateat KFC, the spicy hot devil chicken or smth, and i realised that suhui..HAHA :D
Saw Gavin and Cherie on the way back too!

I'm rambling now, so its rather dangerous, cause that means i am getting high
despite the pile of AMath homework due tmr! D:

On 8:22 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, August 17, 2009

i decided that i really need to study
the past few tests have been really disappointing and i am feeling rather scared myself,
i've just no discipline to sit down and study,
and results have been showing.
what if i get retained this year, SC makes alot of sec3s stayback
and i know i'm not ready for any of my exams or the Olevels!

Gah, today was a pretty eventful day,
went shopping with Rach, Ame, and Debbie (:
i've decided that church people helps me relieve stress,really

so here's what i propose to do.
i will give my Mac to my mom,
and she will "confiscate" it and i will use it for the most, 30min a day.
Drastic, but i really hope it works(:
maybe i'll extend it for the weekends,
but thats it.

On 9:54 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Today was the last sunday of the 36th year for Bethany(:
(&we had that missions quiz which i am going to fail, eheh)

Pastor announced last week that we are now completely debt free, and the younger generations will be heirs of a completely debt free church. Its really quite so awesome!
Imagine, from a small house church in Seletar Hills with 25 people to a big spacious church where we are now with over a few hundred of people, its really quite impressive.
6 services on sunday, 8 sunday school departments, cat class, 8 choirs, 12 discipleship class, 4 fellowship groups like ypg, and many many ministries. I really cant help smiling.

Missions at myanmar, india, australia,
5 churches in India,
BTS and the Orphanage in Myanmar,
Church in Perth

Its just so amazing how God seems to provide for all of us,
giving us the Pastors
Sunday school teachers and YPG comm members who so faithfully, week after week prepare for lessons and guide us
and friends that encourage us

For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building
1 Cor 3:9
This is this week's memory verse, and it tells us we are God's fellow workers,
working alongside God to reach out to the others, the community.
Pastor told us that since we are now debt free, we can reach out the the community, have scholarship funds and what not. that's nice right? :D

i love my church, i really do (:
and i know i better go and study now otherwise i am dead tmr!

On 8:21 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

today is, tiring! :D

In the morning,
we had OLevel Bio SPA!
which i am really scared for, cause the entire class got two sets of different answers!

fast forward (cause i'm really tired!)

firedrill in rc,
rcv-hierachy! :D
secthrees ah! but actually its quite fun to teach y'all! :D

POC dinner!
aha i bet none of the juniors seen the NCOs this crazy before,
and gosh, i felt the ground shaking okay!
ask mabel! :D

okay, when i do ramblings like this,
it shows that i am either having a fever,
or i am seriously tired(:

so byebye!

Oh yeah, nice people send me pictures, please!!

On 10:52 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
holding on; holding back

should i post about POC?(:
haha, i shall tryyyy :D

okay, so erm, POC was today
(and so was promotion ceremony, say hi sergeant!!)
i walked into the room, feeling weird, because
well, just because the ex NCOs were back and they stood outside while we were inside!!
and wearing the skirt? it just feel weird, and all of a sudden, unfamiliar!
okay, yeah
so first time, we got into the gallery, i helped WQ with the food and drinks,
&practiced songs with my levelmates :D
then amanda koh suffered asthma attack,
and everyone panicked
started screaming at the secthrees alot
esp during their reporting&all that.
hey secthrees, if you all are reading this,
sorry for screaming at all of y'all and i bet you feel bad too and i hope you will learn from your mistake today and become better levelmates and seniors that we can all be very proud of :D
okay yeah they sang song,
we sang song,
we sounded funny and sad
then scrcy sang,
and then we were sad and uhem, started crying (:
and i realised that we were suddenly left alone!!
we didnt have any seniors left,
oh, i mean we dont have any seniors left
&& we are left the entire unit, to lift up or to destroy.
i am sure we will bring SCRCY to greater heights :D

i remember a convo with Qian Yi ma'am last year,
the night of POC 2008.

Qian Yi Ma'am " hey.... i know you level doesnt think much of us"
Me " erh, yeah kinda but not really ma'am"
Qian Yi Ma'am " (something something something) but we will do our best and prove it to you"
Me " oh yes okay ma'am"

truthfully i really didnt think much of the ex NCOs last year,
but they really did prove themselves,
and i am really glad to have seniors like them!
would SCRCY be where it is now, without every single one of our seniors?
and every single one of the juniors?

Okay, NDP tmr,
and its uh 12.02, which means i have about 5 hours to sleep,
or less! great D:
hhaha, formation tmr and then
POSSIBLY, lunch with the lvl,

On 11:48 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Suddenly, all i can think about is church

today during chinese and geog lecture
i wrote out many christian songs instead of listening
i love that paper! :D

boo, everyone is sick
hi wenqian!(:

On 10:25 PM, Carolyn(: let go.