Wednesday, October 28, 2009

炎亞綸 Aaron Yan / 劉力揚 Jade Lau -- Ti amo

雖然是簡單的形容 雖然是重複的動作
因為有妳 讓一切都變成不平凡
好想縫合妳我手心 就這樣牽住放不開
有妳陪伴 呼吸著有妳的空氣 就是幸褔

Ti Amo Te quiero
每一天都要愛上你 想著你 沉入夢境
一張眼 一清醒 第一個想到又是你

사랑해 And I love you
我每天都要愛上你 少一天 就會遺憾
陪著你的光陰 怎樣都不算 蹉跎

好想縫合妳我手心 就這樣牽住放不開
有妳陪伴 呼吸著有妳的空氣 就是幸褔

Ti Amo Te quiero
每一天都要愛上你 想著你 沉入夢境
一張眼 一清醒 第一個想到又是你

사랑해 And I love you
我每天都要愛上你 少一天 就會遺憾
陪著你的光陰 怎樣都不算 蹉跎
{陪著你的光陰 永遠都覺得 不夠

Hehe, i love this song now! (:

Haiz, i have to go back to chinese now,
and im so afraid i wont get my A1 and i will just seriously kill myself
but its so tiring to push myself to do chinese
instead of watching KO One!!
Oh why oh why couldnt i resist watching it in the first place?

On 10:54 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, October 23, 2009

FAITH says: (PM 11:27:12)
FAITH says: (PM 11:27:17)
lemme scold you first
FAITH says: (PM 11:27:29)
on thurs when i was walking to the lt
FAITH says: (PM 11:27:34)
during guides
FAITH says: (PM 11:27:46)
i looked down and i saw you in a wheel chair
Carolyn(: THANKS MS LEE! :D LIT LIT LIT (: says: (PM 11:27:52)
FAITH says: (PM 11:27:54)
and i'm like ohmygod
FAITH says: (PM 11:28:03)
wth is my cousin doing in a wheel chair
FAITH says: (PM 11:28:13)
then i thoiught you broke ur leg or something
FAITH says: (PM 11:28:19)
then u roll roll roll around
FAITH says: (PM 11:28:25)
then you STOOD UP!
FAITH says: (PM 11:28:31)
and i was like WTHHHH
Carolyn(: THANKS MS LEE! :D LIT LIT LIT (: says: (PM 11:28:39)

doont you just love my cousin?

On 11:50 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

(>")> <("<) boo, i'm in the computer lab now, ICT isnt that bad, learnt some useful things and the instructor is quite uh nice! HAHAHAHA :D everyone is probably on youtube thus the lagging ): Playing all the cool Linda Chung videos, her MVs are nice Oh oh, i watched the entire 13 episode of Romantic Princess ytd Yippee, its so nice, and dominique should watch it now Thank God for seeing me thruogh all my exams(: Yay, Linda Mulyani go watch this now now(:

Since P6, i never really bought a nice chinese cd
and then all of a sudden i'm playing so many different kinds of Chinese songs on Youtube.
hahah, so nostalgic (:

i feel like eating chocolates, yum
Wahaha, my adobe seems weird D:

On 10:52 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed;
we are perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not forsaken;
struck down, but not destroyed—
always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
So then death is working in us, but life in you.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not
seen are eternal.

therefore i shall follow in Abraham's footsteps,
model in his example of faith, for he was willing to give the biggest sacrifice to God of Issac(:
To be obedient and have spiritual insight,
to be able to pass the test..

Maybe the exams or tests, no many how big how small
teaches us to be hardworking and persevering
that one day, we can use these very same values to honour the Lord(:

thanks Ame(:

On 10:54 PM, Carolyn(: let go.