Friday, January 1, 2010
i prayed from last year all the way to this year!

the last 3 mins of 2009 was well spent,
and so were the first few minutes of 2010
How did YOU spend your last few minutes of 09 and first few minutes of 10?
Did you spend it wisely, or did you spend it bathing, like my little bro?

so now, its..HAPPY NEW YEAR
lets welcome the i-dunno-what-animal-year

what an ugly date, but OH WELL! HAHA :D
Looking back, 2009 was a year that i can be thankful of in more ways then one.
this very group that made my saturdays more well spent then ever before! From that very first gathering! Thanks for not giving up on me and always encouraging me to come! :D

2. Although i never realised it myself, i think i became abit more hardworking over this year. Yeah maybe my results arent so great yet, but i see improvements, in maths and in the way i see school and homework. So i'm sure that by God's Grace He'll help me become even more hardworking to strive on for next year.

3. God really blessed me with wonderful class friends this year. Sure i may have lost some friends elsewhere, but nicely enough, i became good friends with my circle of close friends now! Thanks friends! Hahah, lets continue watching more taiwan dramas and having great time talking all about cute guys! HAHAH :D

&Rahrah, and Eggy and Hannah, and Niken
(haha van ness and vik cho! hahahahaha :D)

4. Thanks for an amazing well spent holiday too! :D
Work Experience at Ignatius J and Assoc, work experience with TOPH
Getting to learn more about lawyers and the HR Stuff!
(Remember how i always wanted to be a HR at a hotel or smth! HAHA )

TOPH(: <3
My Home away from home other then school, a place where many literally saw me growing up

5. Youth Conference, or what part of it that i was there.
Trying my best to get the gist of everything that was learnt in 5days!
Making new friends! WENYUAN!!
Haha, appreciating the 1994's girls batch so much more

Tab! <3

6. 31.12.09
What a wonderfully silly meaningful day it is! :D
Haha Prayer and friends really do go well together, no? (:

7. Family, and The Lord's hand in helping my siblings and i to become friends. Not just siblings, but people we can talk to at times. Esp my little bro, who would rather sleep on the floor in my room to talk( and use my comp) then sleep in his room on his bed :D

This is what i thank God for as 09 slips away! :D
and welcome 2010!
I dont want school to start, oh school please dont start, yahhh! D:

Oh little ones, do you know that my results for chinese is out in 12 days!
Oh how wonderful! ):

Hehe, my little bro just asked me if he could stay over at his friends house tmr
B: Can i stay over at my friend's house tmr, he lives in ___
C: Huh, ask mummy lah! Ask me for what!
B : Oh uh, mummy ask me to ask you!
C: Uh so i'm supposed to say..
B: Just say yes! then mummy will let me go. she say if you say can then i can..
And then you wonder, what my mom is thinking at times (:

On 12:14 AM, Carolyn(: let go.