Tuesday, June 29, 2010

all of a sudden,
i am ELATED that i already have my A1 for chinese, which i can use in my L1R5, because i dont see how else i can make any of my other subjects, (other the the other 4 plus english) a one.
At the very least, while i try to work at those subjects that i may be able to get a one, and work even harder to make sure the rest are also twos, if not ones, i can be assured i've clear one part of my L1R5

oh kill me now.

On 11:17 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, June 28, 2010

you know, reading all my juniors blogs all over again,
seeing how sad they seem,
seeing how they really miss us, or at least say they're going to?
writing as if we'll never be there again, or that they'll never see us again

i'm really proud at how far we've come as a level,
from blur sec1s,
to fairly responsible sec2s,
to committed sec3s,
and finally to NCOs, who've made such a huge impact
i'm grateful the teachers recognised the efforts we made,
praised our level, and finally
let us go.
i'm glad, we made an impact for our juniors, and really
well, thats the most important thing isn't it?

No goodbyes is playing on my shuffled iTunes now.

On 9:31 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

曬的陽光淋的雨滴 都值得回憶

i think its that time now, when i haven't really accepted the fact that we've passed out.
today, seemed like a usual day, going to school, hating having chem (and chem test for that matter), loving chinese and english lessons, trying to pay attention during lit and bio, and ending the day with AMath with Mrs Lim, laughing at my mistakes for the mock paper and getting more marks!

Our juniors just well, seemed the same too
the NCOs gathered at the amphi eating together and trying their hardest to bond; the exact same thing my level used to do; everyday, without fail.
Till the room came along that is.
the sectwos and secthrees, passing our vision occasionally and most of them too shy to look up and say hello.
it was like nothing has changed.

But everything did.
walking past the shaw hall, i was filled with thoughts about our last night as NCOs,
staying up late writing all 21 letters to the NCOs,
eating chips that Debbie brought, trying to resist the temptation of gobbling everything down cause then its ultra fattening,
walking around the hall trying to keep awake,
sitting on the steps of the stage, to make sure i'm meters away from my sleeping bag
finally finishing the letters at 2 plus and then plonking on Diley to sleep.

Sitting on the steps of the amphi, remembering the times we sat there, gathered to do debrief;
The eco-pond, where i last became a casualty for firedrills as an NCO;
The classrooms where i used to teach my beloved secthree juniors RCV, and ending up becoming much closer to them, teaching them how to be good NCOs, telling them to treasure all they have in cadet life;
the canteen, where we last said the Tick-tock cheer as a cadet, screaming our lungs out and laughing at how everyone just goes really loud at "permission to carry on ma'ams!";
the courtyard, where in sec1, i cried while doing leg raisers and pumpings on the hot afternoons on friday, the NCOs then, screaming at us non-stop as our shouts got softer and softer after 50over pumpings and no less then 10mins of leg raisers straight;
and finally;
the gallery, where we last felt that, we really belonged to SCRCY, and the final minutes that SCRCY belonged to us, the final tear falling as we handed over all our work and the Unit.

how come, i can remember all these things so vividly, even after so many months and years?
will i ever be able to forget them, then?

曬的陽光 淋的雨滴 都值得回憶

曾灰心以為 我來錯了世界

太多想法很另類 找不到人瞭解

當我說的感覺 牽動著你的臉

互動的淚 讓我們變得特別

你是我的魔力 想要勇敢就想你

一眨眼睛 把不如意 都變成流星

你是我的魔力 心情不好我就想你

刪除憂鬱 複製甜蜜 笑容不結冰

On 9:01 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

been moody all weekend, constant headaches and moping around the house
i seriously dont have the mood to go back to school tomorrow
otherwise, if i do JY will just have to keep snapping me back into reality or to concentrate in class.

first period is double chem, and i dont know if we have a test,
and i already seriously cant stand the subject for way too many reasons

will have to post about june camp when my splitting headache is over,
and when i can calm down enough to recollect those memories and put them down into words

On 7:46 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, June 25, 2010
Back to reality

&we've finished our four-year journey,
passing the running shoes to the current batch of NCOs
to help them continue on with this wonderful journey
giving them all the support we can muster.
They look good, dont thay? :)
Also, we leave the secthrees and sectwos, leaving with them only our legacy and hopefully inspire them to become great leaders for the future juniors.

Looking back, our times in Red Cross was nothing less than memorable.
The things were did, unforgettable memories will always be with us

Sec1s, New Recruits 2007
  1. Us as new recruits, learnt how to stop drag---Everyone walked around the classroom following behind Sylvia Ma'am until we stopped dragging
  2. Being the first one to be used for a live demonstration for the pretty arm sling that we learnt from Munching Ma'am
  3. My "lovely" scalp bandage for FA promo test, which everyone just loved to laugh at!! --hey! i can do a scalp bandage now! no problem! :)
  4. Doing evac with Indora Ma'am as the spice garden!
  5. Firedrills in June Camp--woken up by the seniors half an hour early to wash up and sitting in the gym, just waiting for the firedrill whistle to sound; the many firedrills a day
  6. THAT firedrill, that the secthrees got locked up, and we ended up with less then 5 people in the live squad.
  7. &THAT firedrill, after shower time, the base was the lobby, and it was a marine accident; jellyfishes stings, Chloe hyperventilating, and the secthrees seemingly going missing ; freaking the entire unit out
  8. Doing hundreds of pumpings and leg raisers in the bus bay, just after we showered.
  9. Going down to men's pumping with every single change of venue; and even 40 over minutes in men's just waiting for the other group to arrive back into school. Yes, >40min, according to JY; while the NCOs stood there and screamed at the other group for not running to join us.
  10. Formal Camp Reports.1000words and structure standardised
  11. Practicing footdrill every recess for fun and laughing at it all the time.
  12. Circle bonding in the amphi
  13. Lunch in 5min during June camp.
  14. Our styrofoam cup buddies!
  15. Dione being extremely environmentally friendly during debrief and advised all of us to not use styrofoam too much because of CFC's
Sec2s the best year of Red Cross 2008
  1. Failing RCV silver and OA bronze many many times, until we got scolded so badly by the NCOs
  2. Doing stuff for the juniors, but not sure whether we were doing it the right way
  3. Taking over as i/c for camp groups because the secthree level was so small! Hahah!
  4. Learning what a triage was
  5. SFA! Setting a new record, getting the whole level to pass in one shot!
  6. Getting lots of chocolates during RCV :)
  7. Guides Campfire, Peiying Games Day, LA Fest
  8. Going out for level bonding
  9. Enjoying ourselves terribly in what was the best year in Red Cross
  10. WUSHU DURING JUNE CAMPP! :) and that mediacorp guy teaching us! With certain people thinking he is really hot :D
  11. Quail Egg buddy! Which i may have accidently cooked and possibly eaten when i got home
Sec3 the leadership year 2009
  1. Not doing much in lessons cause they couldn't really teach us gold stuff
  2. Gold modular workshops and accreds at HQ
  3. Learning from past mistakes
  4. Clearing up misunderstandings and learning how to be good NCOs
  5. Trying our hardest to be good role models
  6. Doing AOP! Hundred pages proposals done over less then a month
  7. Going to by tea at shop and save with Rahrah and lugging them back to school on the first day of June Camp
  8. Overall I/C for March Camp
  9. Overall I/C during June Camp--how efficient the level was and it didnt take more then a min or so to change over
  10. Campfire and nightwalk I/C
  11. Being the FIRST I/C in secthree :)
  12. Overall I/C for flag day at Plaza Sing, and my aunt donated to me and debbie :D
  13. Treasuring our times as a cadet before moving on
  14. Cotton Wool buddy!
  15. Folding stars wherever i went--i bet it was nearly 1000 stars or more we folded.
Sec4 the NCO year 2010
  1. Secthree RCV lessons almost every week, but never having more then 10 people in class
  2. Getting punishments back!
  3. Discipline standards increased, first aid standards increased
  4. New batch of juniors, still bigger then our level
  5. The room--all the mess and rubbish, but the only place in the school we could call ours
  6. March camp
  7. June Camp (more in probably the next post)
  8. Taking charge and enjoying the process
  9. Being the best NCOs we could be--and the teachers acknowledged it, while thanking us for how far the unit have come since.
i'll miss everything.
i promise.

On 11:51 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thats it, in a few hours time,
i'm going to start on the final lap of the journey in Red Cross.

In barely a few days, the things i am so familiar with,
the tears, annoyances, and laughter will cease to become just a memory

Everything we've done for the unit, will now be passed to the secthrees,
and although i dont doubt their ability to keep the standard of the unit there,
i dont really want to leave either.

Three and a half years
will all end
with the arrival of June Camp, and the commencement of the final day.

The last reporting, and the last bersurai.

And finally, we will have to take our leave,
to leave the unit in the hands of our juniors.

Why is it that, when one part of me is finally ready to unload this burden,
the other part of me really just one to hold on longer.

The final three days, and our journey ends.

Wish me luck.

On 12:14 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Reading through my blog posts in 2007 and 2008, i really wonder when i started losing the innocence and cheerfulness. Maybe i still sound rather, happy, but yeah..
I used to post everyday, and 99% of the time, i could post long posts on red cross and cadet life, how we got along terribly well, and had the most fun in red cross, but everything is going to end.

I'm gonna be a senior in 2 days.
-January 29th, 2008

Yes, the babies of SCRCY have indeed grown up. And its time for us to leave the unit to our juniors, the very one we've watched growing up, maturing and becoming good seniors themselves.

I DID want to post some reflective thoughts about red cross, but typing them out is just so different as compared to when you are really thinking about it, so i shant.

Oh yes, chairing today was awesome, i think :)

Even the impossible is easy, when we got each other
One day, we are going to get so high.


On 9:01 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Karate Kid is really awesome,
but its kinda long, so i dont recommend watching it after 9.40. Cause then it'll end at 12 plus, and then tired-ness will rush in :)

Jaden Smith has such boyish charm (:
Next time, i shall make my son learn chinese 功夫
haha, yeah right :p

My mom just announced that for christmas, she'll get my brother and i sunglasses. like real sunglasses, not the "cheapo" one i have. HAHAHAH :)

Plane Geometry is more fun then trigo, debbie (:

On 1:18 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Happy Birthday Ella :D

i have to admit, i totally forgot. heh
Ella, 生日快樂,祝你永遠幸福快樂
順便也祝你早點找到愛情吧! 哈哈

On 12:56 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

i want to re-watch 下一站,幸福
its come to the point where i want to watch something, but there is really nothing that is tempting me to watch, and suddenly YouTube does'nt seem all that fun, since i've watched way more videos then i should.

so what should i do now? i should REALLY study for Prelims, which is in maybe, a little more then three weeks? But i'm so sick of studying too. i just want to laze in bed and sleep for really long, waking up feeling nice and refreshed.
but, oh yes, i want to do my nails :)

maybe, i should just be glad i got to go to kino today with christine and domi(:


Van Ness is not as cute as Jerry Yan,
but like Christine said, he has a nicer body shape. HAHAHAHA

On 8:47 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

no matter what, i will change my blogskin tmr. HAHA :D AH I JUST REALISED ALL MY DETAILS MAY BE GONE ):

On 8:52 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Hey debbie! :)

i miss those times we spent together just walking aimlessly around shopping centres whenever we go out, and even in the beginning of the holidays last year (DID WE HAVE MATH LAST YEAR?) walking around AMK Hub shopping and all...
now its always rush rush to math then rush home, so we hardly spent much time together, but anyway, thanks for being such a SPECIAL friend debbie (:

On 8:39 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, June 11, 2010

i realised this colour on the blogskin colour makes things hard to read, so i will change my blogskin soon. thing is, the mac cant download the html, so i have to go down to change the skin on the computer instead.

school is officially out, but not really too.
Haha, but well, the WONDERFUL thing is, i got my early birthday present :D

Camp will start soon, and i dont know if i'm ready to let it all go.
4 years of memories.


On 9:24 PM, Carolyn(: let go.