Tuesday, September 14, 2010

i will always check my essays before handing them in.
Yes, from now, i really will.

was it a good thing that Mrs Neo liked my essay so much
she gave me the "honour" to read it aloud for the entire class (what honour lah, i hate having to read stuff aloud!)
and whist i was reading, every other few sentences or so had a typo or grammer mistake!
Hahah, i just felt like hiding myself in one corner ):

Haha, and the recount, was slightly made up!

thats the best part! HAHA

On 11:21 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, September 13, 2010
喂喂 你還好不好




i started to listen to the S.H.E songs that i never did before, and i found wonderful songs from the compiled album!! 哦耶!(thats, oh yeah! on weibo!)

school's starting out fine.
its the final lap.

let's go! (:

i realised i express myself better in chinese lately(:
but its okay, i'm still perfectly bilingual! heheh

喂喂 你還好不好,

On 9:02 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


today, Jessica saw me at Thomson and didn't dare to saw hi!
(Hi Jessica, if you're reading this, since you still visit my blog)
okay, so point is, apparently, we as NCOs are still scary, regardless of whether we actually scold or not, cause if i remember correctly, i tend to get high when i'm visiting Linda during her FD lessons and what not! :) otherwise, i'm playing with Siti's tigger or my croc! :)

its the funnest thing to have study camp with Eggy and Christine and Domi today though, albeit the fact that Eggy was torturing my cup with packs of milo and concentrated milo goo! Ew ):
Too bad you didn't come Claudia, or did you decide to pon today! Today there were less then 30 people? When there should rightfully be at least 100 or 150!? Hahah, Ms Koh is going to be hopping mad :)
Wasn't a productive day, did 3 chem papers and read The Last Song! but then again, i was never as productive before! :) i wish i wrote as fast as Eggy, who finished a 101 things (which included stealing chocolates) :)

bought new posted and photocopied a whole load of math notes, now all i have to do is, finish watching my youtube videos, retire for the night and walk up bright and early tomorrow to do my work! yes, what a good girl i am :) :)

it beats twitter hands down! :) and it obviously beats facebook status updates hands down cause there, no one will think you're weird when you update in chinese! :)

link is on the profile thingy :)

On 10:59 PM, Carolyn(: let go.