Sunday, November 28, 2010

生日快樂!從2005年,主持百分百誇張的你,從第一年出書的你,從鬼打牆的你,到今天搖滾界的英雄,赤鬼流,小紅的主人,Playboyz 的領導人,你真的變好多好多,變得更成熟穩重,變得更帥了!(雖然你那迷人的笑容沒變啦..) 我們都知道你會更努力的,所以也會永遠支持你!生日快樂哦!
祝你 永遠快樂!(也希望你的桃花會開啊!最好是和楊丞琳符合啦!呵呵)

On 12:25 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ah Sa 蔡卓妍,生日快樂!

On 12:02 AM, Carolyn(: let go.

Friday, November 12, 2010


On 7:29 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


On 7:00 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blogger was being annoying and the alignment is all weird
but whatever, its study time now and i cant be bothered to change it!
Ah Sa and Mike He!
Nice show! (:
Charlene Choi is pretty! Haha
I can see why Xiao Gui likes Ah Sa so much!

I did this quiz on the 27th of June, 2008
and since i'm bored, i shall do it again

Many changes have happened since 2008
lets see how much i've changed since 2 years ago :)

1) Name :
2) Name Backwards :
3) Were you named after anyone?
Nope. I'm special
4) Does your name mean anything?
Song of praise.
5) Nick Name(s) :
Carol, but only people who have been with my since young call me that. Meimei? I mean, thats what my family calls me! (:
6) Screen Name(s) :
7) Date Of Birth :
7th July, (hint, hint)
8) Place of Birth :
Singapore, Gleneagles Hospital
9) Nationality :
10) Current Location :
11) Sign :
12) Religion :
13) Height :
159 cm? Somewhere there.
14) Weight :
15) Shoe Size :
16) Hair colour :
17) Eye colour :
Black, or blue with contacts
18) What do you look like?:
19) Innie or Outie? :
If it means introvert or extrovert, then introvert
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous :
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? :
Straight lah!
22) Best friend(s) :
JY, Domi, Esther, Christine, Claudia
23) Best friend you trust the most :
24) Best friends {your sex} :
see 22.
25) Best friends of the opposite sex :
26) Best Bud(s) :
see 22.
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend :
Nope, too young.
28) Crush :
Erm, none.
29) Parent(s) :
Mummy and Daddy.
30) Worst Enemy :
Satan and Sin
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s) :
Church people who can give me advice.
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s) :
33) Funniest friend :
34) Craziest friend :
35) Advice Friend :
36) Loudest Friend :
37) Person you cry with :
i rather cry alone.
38) Any sisters :
39) Any brothers :
Yeah, two.
40) Any pets :
Tigger<3 color="#ff0000">Mercedes SLK-Class, yes expensive taste, i know!
51) Room :
Whitish pink? Or Pinkish white?
52) What’s missing? :
What's missing where?
53) School:
54) Bed :
Big enough for me.
55) Relationship with your parent :
56) Believe in yourself :
Not really, i need people to believe in me first.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? :
It never works out, well, almost never. But its fun! Hahah
58) Consider yourself a good listener :
You wanna tell me?
60) Get Along with your parents :
61) Save your e-mail conversations :
You can have conversations using e-mail?
62) Pray :
63) Believe in reincarnation :
64) Like to make fun of people:
I dont unless they know i am joking.
65) Like to talk on the phone :
Depends who and when i am talking
66) Like to eat? :
67) Like to drive :
i wish i could drive now!
68) Get motion sickness :
69) Eat the stems of broccolietchay broccoli?
I eat Broccoli but what is broccolietchay broccoli

70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork :
I thought it was s'pposed to be Chicken FEET?
71) Dream in color :
No, its scary enough deja vu-ing
72) Type with your fingers on home row :
whats that?
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:
Other then dotsy, lumpy and my croc, the rest are on the floor to make space for people like domi who likes to sleepover :)

74) Right next to you :
My Geog textbook! HAHA

75) On the walls of your room :
Fahrenheit, Luo Zhi Xiang and Yang Cheng Lin! And my whiteboards and iPod player!

i need more posters..

76) On your mouse pad :
not using one now!

77) Your dream car :
Xue Hai's Silver Merc in HMS, or Rouhe's yellow porsche in BF

78) Your dream date:
The ones in the dramas are sweet! HAHA

79) Your dream honeymoon spot :
Taiwan (they have really cool looking places) or Maldives :) Dunno lah!
80) Your dream husband/wife :
Someone like Xao Gui would be nice!

81) Your bedtime :
Late if i'm studying or watching shows, early if the next day is my Os!

82) Under your bed :
Boxes of Books and files.
83) The single most important question :
Whats nice to watch on TV or YouTube!

84) Your bad time of the day :
When something sad happens!

85) Your worst fear(s):
Not being able to watch my shows or doing horribly for Os

86) The weather is like :

Singapore is more often then not, disgustingly hot
87) The time? :
1314 AH, this is close to the nicest number on earth

88) The date? :
7th November 2010

89) The best trick you ever played on someone :

Playing tricks arent something to be proud of.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like :
I think i am rather picky with regards to food!

91) Theme Song :
For now you mean? My current November Playlist has 87 songs..

92) The hardest thing about growing up :
Dealing with stress
93) Your funniest experience :
The first thing that comes to my mind is the Seaweed incident with Esther! Hahah!

94) Your scariest moment :
Watching MIT late into the night? Other then that, nothing?

95) The silliest thing you've said :
The things i say, aren't silly, they are special
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get a guy's attention :
Gosh, not so despo lah!
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s) :
Not sure.
98) The worst feeling in the world :
Hatred and guily-ness
99) The best feeling in the world :
Friendship and Love
100) 5 people you tag:
Anyone who is/was as bored as me.

Hahah done, i think, the only thing that's change is, i've grown fatter, have more expensive taste

esp in cars, watch way more dramas and am more uhrm, optimistic towards life! HAHA :)

On 1:26 PM, Carolyn(: let go.