Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Kim Soo Hyun!
or rather,
You actually look nicer in these photos then you ever did in Dream High, but.. :)
It'll be nice if you gave Hye Mi to Jin Guk though!

1AD2 is the most enthusiastic class i've ever seen in my 10 years of schooling. Or at least, very enthusiastic about creating and spamming the FB group! But just as i was saying to my OG Mates, its horrid knowing that we're all in different classes after 3 weeks of spending all our time in ACJC together, and finally getting to know each other and becoming closer in our last week, only to be split up in the very same week. ):

On 11:57 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

day nine - a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
i suppose, growing up in Church and all, the people who've been there my whole life must be the church members, the batch of '94, the older ones and the Pastors :)
Of course, others would include my friends and family, just that i thought i should mention the church people once in awhile too :)

day ten - a picture of the person you do the most effed up things with

In my memory, i dont remember such people, we just have fun in normal innocent ways :)

day eleven - a picture of something you hate

Need i really say anymore? Although the brown mouse actually looks cute.
But anyhow, these things kill me, seriously!

day twelve - a picture of something you love

Ahh :) Is this cute or what! And although i only have one, i'd LOVE for the rest
And yes, its childish to still love soft toys, but aren't they the cutest things ever?

day thirteen - a picture of your favorite band or artist

Firstly, they aren't exactly a band (but they are artists) but if they ever become one, it'll be the best thing ever!
Dream High FTW!

SHINee! :D jonghyun!! :D


day fourteen - a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

& no matter how annoying the boys are, these people are the ones who've been my playmates since i could remember so i guess, they count :)
Cousins and Brothers :)

See, WQ, i DO update my blog :)

On 10:42 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I was too lazy to do it yesterday, so

Happy Belated Birthday Kyuhyun!! :D
Evil Maknae Kyu!

Today, i had alot of random songs stuck in my head
From LUCIFER (haha!) to Run Devil Run (which i only heard once!) -.-
day seven - a picture of your most treasured item
Of course, my Macbook among alot of other things which include posters, letters, notebooks, because i don't have pictures for them and Google doesn't either :D

day eight - a picture that makes you laugh

Only cause a moment before they took the picture, they were running around playing at the playground like primary school kids :)
and since you're bound to see this Jacq, ILY GUYS! :)
Need i say more? :)
I love Rahrah's expression, cause if you think back to 2 years ago, hahah her change is MASSIVE!

On 10:53 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

day four - a picture of your favourite night

i guess, i have lots of favourite nights, and just lying in bed and watching dramas throughout the night non-stop in the holidays can count as a special night, the nights i have watching the many concerts i got to go to, the nights i have sleepovers with my bunch of close friends count too; but if i really had to choose one, its that night that we played board games (cool board games, not the Monopoly kind of board games) at Amelia's house, because that was the point that made me closer to the church people and go for YPG!

day five - a picture of your favourite memory

Obviously all the times the six of us hung out together, and the crazy fun we had in GR for the past two years, laughing at teachers, mugging until the sun sets and the night lights come on, pretending to pay attention in class, trying to (and some of us don't even bother trying to) stay awake during geog lectures, but doing our very best as good friends and as a class! :)

day six - a picture of a person youíd love to trade places with for a day

My younger brother. Cause for the past 2 days, everyone has SUDDENLY started saying that he's very cute and even my older brother wants to trade places with him :)
Also because he's so good at every sport he decides to pick up and gets to be the captain of ACS I's softball team in the year he started to play softball!
But okay, trading place for a day could be fun, but not forever, thats just horribly gross :D

On 10:10 PM, Carolyn(: let go.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
its getting better

Yes, it definitely IS getting better.

So, Orientation at ACJC ended today and i should really start reflecting :)
About today first then, i was actually quite worried that i'd have to be hyper the whole day today since there were no lectures to attend, and literally close to 13 hours with my OG from start to end. But well, it turned out great and i enjoyed myself quite a bit.

From Mass Rally where we finally got that much louder and huddled much closer, to games which the boys nicely pleaded on our behalf to get wet/dirty on our legs, to OG time with Frances' group, taking pictures, going to Holland V to eat at Everything with Fries, the boys helping us finish our food, going to have a look at Joshua's so called field, playing at the scientific biopolis playground, playing Taboo, playing Monkey, giving Agrim our dirty cans; watching Morgen walk in again, this time, Morgen cheering them on all the way, Agrim asking the funniest, and craziest questions on stage, sweaty "clubbing" in the hall, more Mass Rallying and final OG debrief.

Phew, one should never start the process of rambling :)

its getting better, thats what i keep telling myself

I remember the first day of orientation, while i was amazed (man, it took me a minute or so to come up with the right word!) at the ACJC school spirit and all, i thought the people there were really hyped up and honestly speaking, i didn't think i'd ever fit in there. I missed the SC culture like crazy- and to clarify, SC is not a very dead school whatsoever, the school spirit is just as great- and every single time i remembered that i was no longer an SC girl hurt.
I remember the first time we met with our OGLs and got into our OG groups, i hated the awkwardness and all i could think of was when i could finally go home. And when you don't enjoy yourself, Time, crawls most slowly.

Then, it got better, but of course, due to ALOT of prayer :)
Time started to speed up and as the days went by, i find myself only looking at my watch, but realising its almost time to pack up and go home. Conversations in the OG was getting longer and longer, and we made friends easier, and faster. Obviously, we started to cheer louder and louder, and got more hyped up.

Every time we have OG time, and watching the OGLs, i'm brought back to the last two years. Peer leading became the norm, but i still remember the that excitement and at the same time, nervousness as each new batch of sec 1s come in. As junior PLs, we watched our babies growing up and witnessing their change slowly in the school, coming to us with all their crazy sec 1 stories; to senior PLs, monitoring and breaking that awkwardness that our Junior PLs and their groups might have, feeling proud of them when they finally can speak of the enjoyable time they had with their groups.
These kind of experiences are once a year, few as it may be, each experience is most memorable.

I remember when one of my OGL found out that i actually rather be elsewhere, and she told me that she didn't want to be there at first, but seeing how hyped up she could be about ACJC in just a year, caused me to realised that maybe, just maybe, if i could open up more, maybe i could be like that too. So i did, and i think, it got better! Hehe :)

It takes 10 weeks to make a habit, so of course, 10 years in SC forms the tightest bond and everlasting memories and friendships. I still miss SC greatly, and it sucks that SC and AC sounds so..similar, when you say cheers too fast, it sounds the same. HAHAH! A huge part of my heart still inevitably lies in SC and its really not easy to wholly accept change, but small pockets of ACJC may fill my mind occasionally now, so i'm really happy :)

Hahah how anti-climax, but i think while i've satisfied my urge to write a nice long essay (SUCCESS!) i've ran out of steam (&energy, &words)

On a much lighter note,
day three - a picture of the cast from your favorite show
(oh seriously, wrong question to ask cause i have favourite SHOWS)

Boys over Flowers, Jihoo!!!! :D
SHINee!!!! Hello Baby!
One of the best 2005 show! 惡魔在身邊
i had the picture for the original poster, but it had lee wei in it so.. :)

Hahah, incoherent blabbering :)

On 11:26 PM, Carolyn(: let go.